[ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-9459?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Fernando Lopez deleted HELP-9459: --------------------------------- > [fiware-stackoverflow] OAuth2 in Cygnus > --------------------------------------- > > Key: HELP-9459 > URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-9459 > Project: Help-Desk > Issue Type: Monitor > Reporter: Backlog Manager > Labels: filab, fiware, fiware-cosmos, fiware-cygnus > > Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 09-07-2015 at 08:07 > {color: red}Please, ANSWER this question AT{color} https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31310111/oauth2-in-cygnus > +Question:+ > OAuth2 in Cygnus > +Description:+ > Since it was announced the access to Cosmos' WebHDFS in FIWARE Lab is protected with OAuth2, Cygnus (version 0.8.1) is not able to persist Orion's context data in Cosmos HDFS: > 15/07/09 08:45:21 INFO handlers.OrionRestHandler: Starting transaction (1436424291-649-0000000000) > 15/07/09 08:45:21 INFO handlers.OrionRestHandler: Received data ({ "subscriptionId" : "51c0ac9ed714fb3b37d7d5a8", "originator" : "localhost", "contextResponses" : [ { "contextElement" : { "attributes" : [ { "name" : "temperature", "type" : "centigrade", "value" : "26.5" } ], "type" : "Room", "isPattern" : "false", "id" : "Room1" }, "statusCode" : { "code" : "200", "reasonPhrase" : "OK" } } ]}) > 15/07/09 08:45:21 INFO handlers.OrionRestHandler: Event put in the channel (id=109760451, ttl=10) > 15/07/09 08:45:21 INFO sinks.OrionSink: Event got from the channel (id=109760451, headers={timestamp=1436424321536, content-type=application/json, transactionId=1436424291-649-0000000000, fiware-service=def_serv, fiware-servicepath=def_serv_path, ttl=10, destination=room1_room}, bodyLength=460) > 15/07/09 08:45:22 INFO sinks.OrionHDFSSink: [hdfs-sink] Persisting data at OrionHDFSSink. HDFS file (def_serv/def_serv_path/room1_room/room1_room.txt), Data ({"recvTime":"2015-07-09T06:45:21.536Z","temperature":"26.5", "temperature_md":[]}) > 15/07/09 08:45:22 ERROR sinks.OrionSink: Persistence error (The /user/frb/def_serv/def_serv_path/room1_room directory could not be created in HDFS. HttpFS response: 503 Service unavailable) > 15/07/09 08:45:22 INFO sinks.OrionSink: An event was put again in the channel (id=109760451, ttl=9) > 15/07/09 08:45:22 INFO sinks.OrionSink: Finishing transaction (1436424291-649-0000000000) > I figure out an OAuth2 token has to be configured somewhere, but how? -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.1#64016)
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