[Backlogmanager] [FIWARE-JIRA] (OPS-2157) FIWARE.WorkItem.Ops.Coordination.Agile.Sprint-743.Retrospective

Fernando Lopez (JIRA) fiware-ops-jira at jira.fiware.org
Thu Sep 20 15:22:11 CEST 2018

Fernando Lopez created OPS-2157:

             Summary: FIWARE.WorkItem.Ops.Coordination.Agile.Sprint-743.Retrospective
                 Key: OPS-2157
                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/OPS-2157
             Project: Chp -- Ops
          Issue Type: WorkItem
          Components: _Coordination
            Reporter: Backlog Manager
            Assignee: Federico Michele Facca
             Fix For: Sprint 7.4.3

# Drawn {color:red} Chapter Summary Retrospective{color} from {color:blue} Enablers' Retrospectives{color} 
# Retrospective Pattern:
#* {color:blue}What went well{color}
#** identify aspects working smoothly
#* {color:blue}What to improve{color}
#** identify aspects making progress difficult

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