[Backlogmanager] FIWARE: Help Desk - General Channel : Closed Issue?

fernando.lopez at fiware.org fernando.lopez at fiware.org
Tue Jan 8 07:21:37 CET 2019

Dear Fernando,

I noticed issue HELP-14547 has been Answered but no update happened in the last 19 days.
I would appreciate you spent a minute to close it
	or if the exchange continues, please, update its progress in a comment
	or if there were a blocking condition, please, report it in a comment and evolve its status to Impeded.

Issue Summary: [Fiware-general-help] Fiware compliancy requirements
You can access it at http://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-14547

Issues in the Help Desk - General Channel are available at

Thanks in advance for cooperation!!

Kind Regards,

Fernando Lopez
Interim FIWARE Scrum Master
Skype: fernandola

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