[Backlogmanager] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-19016) [fiware-stackoverflow] ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space

Fernando Lopez (JIRA) jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
Wed Dec 8 10:00:00 CET 2021

     [ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-19016?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Fernando Lopez updated HELP-19016:
    Status: In Progress  (was: Open)

> [fiware-stackoverflow] ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HELP-19016
>                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-19016
>             Project: Help-Desk
>          Issue Type: Monitor
>          Components: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
>            Reporter: Backlog Manager
>            Assignee: Jason Fox
>              Labels: docker, docker-compose, fiware, fiware-orion
> Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 22-11-2021 at 06:11
> {color: red}Please, ANSWER this question AT{color} https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70061849/error-pool-overlaps-with-other-one-on-this-address-space
> +Question:+
> ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
> +Description:+
> I'm trying to implement this tutorial. The "docker-compose" content is this :
>  # WARNING: Do not deploy this tutorial configuration directly to a production environment
> #
> # The tutorial docker-compose files have not been written for production deployment and will not 
> # scale. A proper architecture has been sacrificed to keep the narrative focused on the learning 
> # goals, they are just used to deploy everything onto a single Docker machine. All FIWARE components 
> # are running at full debug and extra ports have been exposed to allow for direct calls to services. 
> # They also contain various obvious security flaws - passwords in plain text, no load balancing,
> # no use of HTTPS and so on. 
> # 
> # This is all to avoid the need of multiple machines, generating certificates, encrypting secrets
> # and so on, purely so that a single docker-compose file can be read as an example to build on, 
> # not use directly. 
> # 
> # When deploying to a production environment, please refer to the Helm Repository
> # for FIWARE Components in order to scale up to a proper architecture:
> # 
> # see: https://github.com/FIWARE/helm-charts/
> #
> version: "3.5"
> services:
>   # Orion is the context broker
>   orion:
>     image: fiware/orion:latest
>     hostname: orion
>     container_name: fiware-orion
>     depends_on:
>         - mongo-db
>     networks:
>         - default
>     expose:
>         - "1026"
>     ports:
>         - "1026:1026"
>     command: -dbhost mongo-db -logLevel DEBUG
>     healthcheck:
>       test: curl --fail -s http://orion:1026/version || exit 1
>       interval: 5s
>   # Tutorial displays a web app to manipulate the context directly
>   tutorial:
>     image: fiware/tutorials.context-provider
>     hostname: iot-sensors
>     container_name: fiware-tutorial
>     networks:
>         - default
>     expose:
>         - "3000"
>         - "3001"
>     ports:
>         - "3000:3000"
>         - "3001:3001"
>     environment:
>         - "DEBUG=tutorial:*"
>         - "PORT=3000"
>         - "IOTA_HTTP_HOST=iot-agent"
>         - "IOTA_HTTP_PORT=7896"
>         - "DUMMY_DEVICES_PORT=3001"
>         - "DUMMY_DEVICES_API_KEY=4jggokgpepnvsb2uv4s40d59ov"
>   iot-agent:
>     image: fiware/iotagent-ul:latest
>     hostname: iot-agent
>     container_name: fiware-iot-agent
>     depends_on:
>         - mongo-db
>     networks:
>         - default
>     expose:
>         - "4041"
>         - "7896"
>     ports:
>         - "4041:4041"
>         - "7896:7896"
>     environment:
>         - "IOTA_CB_HOST=orion"
>         - "IOTA_CB_PORT=1026"
>         - "IOTA_NORTH_PORT=4041"
>         - "IOTA_REGISTRY_TYPE=mongodb"
>         - "IOTA_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG"
>         - "IOTA_TIMESTAMP=true"
>         - "IOTA_MONGO_HOST=mongo-db"
>         - "IOTA_MONGO_PORT=27017"
>         - "IOTA_MONGO_DB=iotagentul"
>         - "IOTA_HTTP_PORT=7896"
>         - "IOTA_PROVIDER_URL=http://iot-agent:4041"
>  # Database
>   mongo-db:
>     image: mongo:3.6
>     hostname: mongo-db
>     container_name: db-mongo
>     expose:
>         - "27017"
>     ports:
>         - "27017:27017"
>     networks:
>         - default
>     command: --bind_ip_all --smallfiles
>     volumes:
>       - mongo-db:/data
>     healthcheck:
>       test: |
>         host=`hostname --ip-address || echo ''`; 
>         mongo --quiet $host/test --eval 'quit(db.runCommand({ ping: 1 }).ok ? 0 : 2)' && echo 0 || echo 1
>       interval: 5s
> networks:
>   default:
>     ipam:
>       config:
>         - subnet:
> volumes:
>   mongo-db: ~
> But when I run the docker compose with the command "docker-compose up -d" I get this error :
> *WARNING: The host variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
> Creating network "fiware_default" with the default driver
> ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space*
> I also get these networks by running the command "docker network ls" :
> *NETWORK ID     NAME            DRIVER    SCOPE
> 78403834b9bd   bridge          bridge    local
> 1dc5b7d0534b   hadig_default   bridge    local
> 4162244c37b0   host            host      local
> ac5a94a89bde   none            null      local*
> I see no conflict with the name "fiware_default". where is the problem?

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