[Backlogmanager] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-18195) [fiware-stackoverflow] Connect system which includes OPC UA IoT Agent, Orion Context Broker. Cygnus and Historic data with Postgres

Fernando Lopez (JIRA) jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
Thu Sep 2 12:44:00 CEST 2021

     [ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-18195?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Fernando Lopez reassigned HELP-18195:

    Assignee: Fermín Galán

> [fiware-stackoverflow] Connect system which includes OPC UA IoT Agent, Orion Context Broker. Cygnus and Historic data with Postgres
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HELP-18195
>                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-18195
>             Project: Help-Desk
>          Issue Type: Monitor
>          Components: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
>            Reporter: Backlog Manager
>            Assignee: Fermín Galán
>              Labels: fiware, fiware-cygnus, fiware-orion, opc-ua, postgresql
> Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 31-08-2021 at 17:08
> {color: red}Please, ANSWER this question AT{color} https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69002930/connect-system-which-includes-opc-ua-iot-agent-orion-context-broker-cygnus-and
> +Question:+
> Connect system which includes OPC UA IoT Agent, Orion Context Broker. Cygnus and Historic data with Postgres
> +Description:+
> I am trying to set up a system to save historic data with the flow like this:
> Prosys OPC-UA Server Simulation -> OPC-UA Fiware IoT Agent -> Orion Context Broker -> Fiware Cygnus Connector -> PostgreSQL database.
> Here is the document I used to compose the docker-compose file:
> Historic-Context-Flume
> OPC-UA IoT Agent
> Here is the docker-compose and .env file I used
> docker-compose.yml
> version: "3"
> #secrets:
> #   age_idm_auth:
> #      file: age_idm_auth.txt
> services:
>   iotage:
>     hostname: iotage
>     image: iotagent4fiware/iotagent-opcua:1.3.4
>     networks:
>       - hostnet
>       - iotnet
>     ports:
>       - "4081:8080"
>     extra_hosts:
>       - "iotcarsrv:"
>       - "HP:"
>     depends_on:
>       - iotmongo
>       - orion
>     volumes:
>       - ./AGECONF:/opt/iotagent-opcua/conf
>       - ./certificates/charm:/opt/iotagent-opcua/certificates
>     command: /usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/lastlog
>   iotmongo:
>     hostname: iotmongo
>     image: mongo:3.4
>     networks:
>       - iotnet
>     volumes:
>       - iotmongo_data:/data/db
>       - iotmongo_conf:/data/configdb
>   ################ OCB ################
>   orion:
>     hostname: orion
>     image: fiware/orion:latest
>     networks:
>       - hostnet
>       - ocbnet
>     ports:
>       - "${ORION_PORT}:${ORION_PORT}"
>     depends_on:
>       - orion_mongo
>     #command: -dbhost mongo
>     entrypoint: /usr/bin/contextBroker -fg -multiservice -ngsiv1Autocast -statCounters -dbhost mongo -logForHumans -logLevel DEBUG -t 255
>   orion_mongo:
>     hostname: orion_mongo
>     image: mongo:3.4
>     networks:
>       ocbnet:
>         aliases:
>           - mongo
>     volumes:
>       - orion_mongo_data:/data/db
>       - orion_mongo_conf:/data/configdb
>     command: --nojournal
>   ############### CYGNUS ###############
>   cygnus:
>     image: fiware/cygnus-ngsi:${CYGNUS_VERSION}
>     hostname: cygnus
>     container_name: fiware-cygnus
>     networks:
>       - hostnet
>     depends_on:
>       - postgres-db
>     expose:
>       - "${CYGNUS_API_PORT}" # 5080
>     ports:
>     environment:
>       - "CYGNUS_POSTGRESQL_HOST=postgres-db" # Hostname of the PostgreSQL server used to persist historical contex
>       - "CYGNUS_POSTGRESQL_PORT=${POSTGRES_DB_PORT}" # Port that the PostgreSQL server uses to listen to commands
>       - "CYGNUS_POSTGRESQL_USER=postgres" # Username for the PostgreSQL database user
>       - "CYGNUS_POSTGRESQL_PASS=password" # Password for the PostgreSQL database user
>       - "CYGNUS_POSTGRESQL_ENABLE_CACHE=true" # Switch to enable caching within the PostgreSQL configuration
>       - "CYGNUS_SERVICE_PORT=${CYGNUS_POSTGRESQL_SERVICE_PORT}" # Notification Port that Cygnus listens when subcr
>       - "CYGNUS_API_PORT=${CYGNUS_API_PORT}" # Port that Cygnus listens on for operational reasons
>       - "CYGNUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG" # The logging level for Cygnus
>   postgres-db:
>     image: postgres
>     hostname: postgres-db
>     expose:
>       - "${POSTGRES_DB_PORT}"
>     ports:
>     networks:
>       - hostnet
>     environment:
>       - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password"
>       - "POSTGRES_USER=postgres"
>       - "POSTGRES_DB=postgres"
>     volumes:
>       - postgres-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
> volumes:
>   iotmongo_data:
>   iotmongo_conf:
>   orion_mongo_data:
>   orion_mongo_conf:
>   postgres-db:
> networks:
>   hostnet:
>   iotnet:
>   ocbnet:
> .env
> # Orion
> # PostgreSQL
> # OPCUA IoT Agent
> # Cygnus
> I can see the system is up and no error informed from docker
> docker ps -a result
> However, when I use pgAdmin or docker exec to examine the postgres database there was nothing in it.
> \dt command of psql gave me Did not find any relation which means there was nothing logged into the database.
> Please provide help to combine these two components of FIWARE (the IoT OPCUA agent and the Cygnus). It was also not clear for me if the Cygnus connector would create the database for us.

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