[cloud-marketplace-proposal] R: DOME: info on Linked third parties....

GOLEM.AT info at golem.at
Wed Jun 29 10:47:48 CEST 2022

Dear Giovanni 


We as B24 do not plan L3P.


MfG | Best regards,

Ilja Golovanov

EU Projects Manager


GOLEM Integrated Microelectronics Solutions GmbH

Hausfeldstrasse 22/1/7, 1220 Vienna, Austria

Reg. Nr. FN68378g; EU Tax Nr.: ATU16848106

mail:  <mailto:info at golem.at> info at golem.at;  <mailto:epic.golem at gmail.com> epic.golem at gmail.com

web:   <http://golem.at/> http://golem.at; https://pharosnavigator.com 


From: cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org <> On Behalf Of Giovanni Frattini
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2022 10:35
To: cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org
Subject: [cloud-marketplace-proposal] R: DOME: info on Linked third parties....


Dear all,


At the time being the list of partners willing to have L3P is the following







Founding Box


I would like to be sure that I am not missing anyone. 


The L3Ps need to be correctly profiled on the portal. They have to produce a DoH signed by a legal representative (PLSIGN equivalent). 


Moreover, the budget should be explicitly split task by task in such a way to identify where they are producing effort. 


Before asking you to start the effort rebalancing I would like first to have the first meeting with the PO. Please, be prepared to react.


Best regards







Da: Giovanni Frattini 
Inviato: lunedì 27 giugno 2022 17:17
A: 'cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org' <cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org>
Cc: 'Pezuela, Clara' <clara.pezuela at atos.net>; Paolo Fabriani <Paolo.Fabriani at eng.it>; Roberto Di Bernardo <roberto.dibernardo at eng.it>
Oggetto: DOME: info on Linked third parties....


Dear partners,


The PO has replied positively to our enquiry on the linked third parties. We will further discuss this with him on Thursday. 


At the moment in my list of companies willing to have L3P there are Atos, ED, and Alastria.  I am not sure  about Orange Business Services. I need a confirmation. 


For the others, please, would you reply to this email if you want to have an L3P? 


Thank you in advance


Best regards









Da: Giovanni Frattini 
Inviato: venerdì 24 giugno 2022 09:21
A: Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> >; cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org> 
Cc: Giuseppe Sajeva <Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it <mailto:Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it> >; Dario Avallone <Dario.Avallone at eng.it <mailto:Dario.Avallone at eng.it> >
Oggetto: R: DOME: Linked third parties..


Hi Clara,


The officer left the discussion for a meeting to be held on Thursday (you know, but the others are not aware of it)!


His reply to my email does not mention anything on the subject. 


Best regards




Da: Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> > 
Inviato: giovedì 23 giugno 2022 14:48
A: Giovanni Frattini <Giovanni.Frattini at eng.it <mailto:Giovanni.Frattini at eng.it> >; cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org> 
Cc: Giuseppe Sajeva <Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it <mailto:Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it> >; Dario Avallone <Dario.Avallone at eng.it <mailto:Dario.Avallone at eng.it> >
Oggetto: RE: DOME: Linked third parties..


Giovanni, What about the inclusion of additional Linked Third Parties? Can we do it now? Thanks for hint Clara Pezuela Business Development ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 


CAUTION: This email might originate from outside the organization. 





What about the inclusion of additional Linked Third Parties? Can we do it now?


Thanks for hint



Clara Pezuela
Business Development

PSD/HLS Iberia

Atos Scientific Community Member

Edge and Decarbonization Senior Expert
Albarracín 25 - 28037 Madrid – Spain
 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/atos.net/__;!!LQkDIss!QdBUn-zF5i-ggvEYZKFp6ecAyFbVCObubp0I0iJU2hn7V7Mc_OetIl5OeJqB-KLMvYFhJKgsf5bw6ntjZCt4pn9PYh0J$> atos.net
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De: cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org>  <cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org> > En nombre de Giovanni Frattini
Enviado el: jueves, 23 de junio de 2022 13:28
Para: cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org> 
CC: Giuseppe Sajeva <Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it <mailto:Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it> >; Dario Avallone <Dario.Avallone at eng.it <mailto:Dario.Avallone at eng.it> >
Asunto: [cloud-marketplace-proposal] R: DOME: Linked third parties..


Caution! External email. Do not open attachments or click links, unless this email comes from a known sender and you know the content is safe.

Dear all,


A quick update. The situation is progressing (but very slowly). Just to let you know. The financial officer has just send an updated version of her report.Here <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/report.Here__;!!LQkDIss!QdBUn-zF5i-ggvEYZKFp6ecAyFbVCObubp0I0iJU2hn7V7Mc_OetIl5OeJqB-KLMvYFhJKgsf5bw6ntjZCt4poNBxsgM$>  it is in its essential parts:



The validations of B4 IONOS SE, B11 Inno-focus businessconsulting gmbh, B23 ACTIVE AGEING ASSOCIATION, B27 IN-2 and B35 OUTSCALE are on-going.

B5, B9, B13 and B20 never responded to the Central Validation Team. It is really urgent for those beneficiaries to start the validation process.



 All valid, except B4, B5, B9, B11, B13, B20, B23, B27 and B35.



 All partners need to have a PLSIGN, without which they cannot sign any document electronically (Declaration of Honour..).


Ownership Control

 As requested by the Central validation team, please submit the documents in the portal.


Declaration of honour 

 27 out of 36 have not signed. 


Accounts for Financial validation – beneficiaries

We will let you know if we need additional information for B25 Hahnet Distribuirane Technologue Doo.



Best regards





Giovanni Frattini
Direzione Ricerca e Innovazione
 <mailto:giovanni.frattini at eng.it> giovanni.frattini at eng.it

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa
Via Emanuele Gianturco, 15 – 80142 Napoli
Tel. +39-0816103371
Cell. +39-3357661288
Fax +39-0816103200 





Da: Giovanni Frattini 
Inviato: mercoledì 22 giugno 2022 11:09
A: cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org> 
Cc: Dario Avallone <Dario.Avallone at eng.it <mailto:Dario.Avallone at eng.it> >; Giuseppe Sajeva <Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it <mailto:Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it> >; Paolo Fabriani <Paolo.Fabriani at eng.it <mailto:Paolo.Fabriani at eng.it> >; Piero Corte <Piero.Corte at eng.it <mailto:Piero.Corte at eng.it> >; Roberto Di Bernardo <roberto.dibernardo at eng.it <mailto:roberto.dibernardo at eng.it> >; Marco Alessi <Marco.Alessi at eng.it <mailto:Marco.Alessi at eng.it> >; Andrea Vecchi <Andrea.Vecchi2 at eng.it <mailto:Andrea.Vecchi2 at eng.it> >; Giuseppe Cafiso <giuseppe.cafiso at eng.it <mailto:giuseppe.cafiso at eng.it> >
Oggetto: DOME: Linked third parties..


Dear all,


For those who are interested in having linked third parties involved in the project execution, please, be aware that:


linked third parties (if allowed) must be registered and validated as legal entities in the Portal


I have sent an email yesterday asking for permission to include L3P now,before the project start. 


In any case, provided that I do not have an official answer yet, take into consideration this constraint and, if necessary, register and validate ASAP your linked third parties.  Consider also that they have to sign a DoH as well. 


Best regards





Da: Giovanni Frattini 
Inviato: lunedì 20 giugno 2022 11:19
A: cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org> 
Cc: Dario Avallone <Dario.Avallone at eng.it <mailto:Dario.Avallone at eng.it> >; Giuseppe Sajeva <Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it <mailto:Giuseppe.Sajeva at eng.it> >; Paolo Fabriani <Paolo.Fabriani at eng.it <mailto:Paolo.Fabriani at eng.it> >; Piero Corte <Piero.Corte at eng.it <mailto:Piero.Corte at eng.it> >; Roberto Di Bernardo <roberto.dibernardo at eng.it <mailto:roberto.dibernardo at eng.it> >; Marco Alessi <Marco.Alessi at eng.it <mailto:Marco.Alessi at eng.it> >; Andrea Vecchi <Andrea.Vecchi2 at eng.it <mailto:Andrea.Vecchi2 at eng.it> >; Giuseppe Cafiso <giuseppe.cafiso at eng.it <mailto:giuseppe.cafiso at eng.it> >
Oggetto: Missing administrative sections/contributions..




It is time to complete the remaining tasks. 


The project officer assigned to the project has noticed that information is still missing. Below the list of partners that MUST intervene ASAP:




All valid, except B4 IONOS SE, B5 ORANGE BUSINESS SERVICES SA and IERO to be declared, B9 Portel Servicios Telematicos S.A. and IERO to be declared, B11 Inno-focus businessconsulting gmbh, B13 Operator Chmury Krajowej, B20 Bird & Bird LLP and IERO to be declared, B23 ACTIVE AGEING ASSOCIATION, B27 IN-2 and B35 OUTSCALE.

As B5,B9, B13 and B20 never responded to the e-mails of the Central Validation Team, please ask them to submit all the documents in the portal as soon as possible.




All valid, except B4 IONOS SE, B5 ORANGE BUSINESS SERVICES SA, B9 Portel Servicios Telematicos S.A., B11 Inno-focus businessconsulting gmbh, B13 Operator Chmury Krajowej, B20 Bird & Bird LLP, B23 ACTIVE AGEING ASSOCIATION, B27 IN-2, B30 E-GROUP ICT SOFTWARE and  B35 OUTSCALE.




All partners need to have a PLSIGN, without which they cannot sign any document electronically (Declaration of Honour..).



Accounts for Financial validation – beneficiaries


B31 FUNDING BOX RESEARCH APS should submit in the portal their 2021 financial data as soon as possible.

We will let you know if we need additional information for other beneficiaries, especially for B25 Hahnet Distribuirane Technologue Doo.




- Deadline for the signature of the declaration of honour and for the final submission of the grant agreement data (incl. annexes) -> As soon as possible. 



The rest of the tasks are for the core partners. Please, be aware that, if needed, you will be asked for other contributions (possibly also integration to the proposal).


We are organising ourselves for the coordination. Try to be reactive and avoid us to pursue you. At this moment we could have problems checking and controlling all your contributions. 


Best regards





Giovanni Frattini
Direzione Ricerca e Innovazione
 <mailto:giovanni.frattini at eng.it> giovanni.frattini at eng.it

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa
Via Emanuele Gianturco, 15 – 80142 Napoli
Tel. +39-0816103371
Cell. +39-3357661288
Fax +39-0816103200 


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