[DOME] [cloud-marketplace-proposal] CA updated version for your comments/approval

Silvia Ciotti silvia.ciotti at eurocrime.eu
Fri Jan 27 18:35:41 CET 2023

Dear Laura,

thank you very much for the updated version of the document. For us at 
EuroCrime it is ok, and we are ready to sign it.

Really Kind Regards,


Dr. Silvia Ciotti
CEO and Senior Researcher, Trainer & Consultant
EuroCrime® - Research, Training and Consulting SrL
Machiavelli St., 43 - 50026 - San Casciano in Val di Pesa (Florence) - Italy
T: (+39) 3396014082


silvia.ciotti at eurocrime.eu

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Il 26/01/2023 17:59, Laura Pucci ha scritto:
> Dear Partner Representatives
> please find attached the updated version of the DOME Consortium 
> Agreement (v0.7) which includes requested changes gathered from you. 
> Kindly note that those modifications that were in conflict with the 
> project Grant Agreement were not accepted.
> Comments in the document report for each change the Partner(s) that 
> asked for it (except for those changes needed to rephrase and/or 
> better clarify the text). The attachment is in track-changes, thus 
> it'll be easier for you to double-check it.
> Needless to say that all modifications must be carefully validated, 
> but let me highlight some relevant sections that were modified:
>   *  4.4.    Specific responsibilities regarding data protection
>   * 6.3.7.    Decisions of the General Assembly
>   * 6.6.1.         Members [/of the TMC/]
>   * 7.2.2.    Payment Schedule
>   * 8.2.    Joint ownership
>   * 9.4.1.    Access Rights to Results
>   * 9.8.2.    General principles
>   * 9.8.3.    Access to Software
>   *    Results - Rights of a Party
>   * 12.    Signatures
> I kindly remind to partners wanting to include any identified 
> background to compile the template table in /Attachment 1: Background 
> included /(as indicated in the comment) and send us back (in 
> track-changes) to be added in the final version.
> Concerning the _/signature/_, as you will read from the paragraph 
> added in the specific section, we propose an agreement to _/accept 
> both electronic or scanned handwritten signatures /_of the CA. If 
> accepted, Engineering will produce the final version of CA including 
> signature pages of all partners, whether they are electronically or 
> manually signed.
> Let me also clarify that in order to start with the signature process, 
> the Consortium has to agree on the final version of the document. 
> Thus, please, kindly wait for Engineering to circulate the final CA 
> before sending your signatures. _
> _
> _Deadline to send us back your comments or approval to this version is 
> __*January 31st EoB.*_
> At your disposal for additional clarifications regarding modifications 
> that were not included or any other question you may have.
> Kindest regards,
> Laura
> -- 
> *Laura Pucci*
> laura.pucci at eng.it
> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA*
> Mob.: +39-345.6225393
> www.eng.it
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