[Cossecco] WP4 meeting to fix issues

sfigueiredo at ipn.pt sfigueiredo at ipn.pt
Wed Nov 15 13:50:31 CET 2023

Dear Paolo, all,


I’ve provided some input to WP4 tasks.


Additionally, I did a restructuring of WP5 - please review / edit /


@CERICT, please review particularly T5.2 and validate if you can lead it as
is (or with changes).





From: cossecco-bounces at lists.fiware.org <cossecco-bounces at lists.fiware.org>
On Behalf Of Paolo Campegiani
Sent: 12 de novembro de 2023 10:54
To: cossecco at lists.fiware.org
Subject: Re: [Cossecco] WP4 meeting to fix issues


Dear partners,


I’ve restructured WP4 following the discussion in Friday meeting.


Please note that some more work will be needed, especially on T4.2
(attestation infrastructure), and then some final polishing will be in


Interested partners are kindly invited to look at WP4, check when they want
to contribute and fix the tasks of their interest. Please provide this by
next meeting. 




From: Paolo Campegiani 
Sent: 9 November, 2023 11:28 AM
To: cossecco at lists.fiware.org <mailto:cossecco at lists.fiware.org> 
Subject: WP4 meeting to fix issues


Dear all,


We set a telco for Friday, the 10th at 2 PM (CET), to fix the issues on WP4.


All partners are invited, but specifically, those who have provided or want
to provide contributions on WP4 (including RISE, IPN, LIBELIUM, ONEKEY).


The meeting for the link is below. If the timeslot does not suit people, we
will reschedule for the early morning of Tuesday, 14th. Please let me know
in advance if you are unable to participate.







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