[ff-all] Happy Birthday FIWARE!

Press Office FIWARE press.office at fiware.org
Thu Oct 28 17:32:40 CEST 2021

  Happy Birthday FIWARE Foundation!
Dear FIWARE Community members,

Today, FIWARE Foundation turns five - and it’s incredible to see how far
this open source initiative has come in under half a decade. FIWARE tech
and open common standards are being used in production by companies around
the globe, and are guiding over *250 cities to deliver*
sustainable, smart, inclusive and cost-effective solutions to their

>From long-established enterprises to open source newcomers, hundreds of
users worldwide and across industries have come to use the FIWARE open
source platform to take their business to a smart digital level.

As FIWARE technology adoption expands, so too has FIWARE Foundation. We
recently welcomed our member 450 on board and our iHub number 26. Moreover,
we’ve spearheaded additional game-changing initiatives such as the *Data
Spaces Business Alliance*
and joined others that are set to make a difference such as the *Mobility
Data Spaces *and the *Gaia-X Association,* to mention just a few from the
last weeks. Our team has also grown. We have a proud team of 35+ people
working from Spain, Tunisia, Italy, Germany, Peru...

We would not be turning 5 if it wasn't for your commitment. It would be
thoughtless of us not to mention the role each one of you has played in
FIWARE Foundation’s young story as an important multiplier of our
unwavering commitment to the development, standardisation and promotion of
FIWARE technologies across many domains.

Your commitment to the adoption of FIWARE technologies within your
networks, your willingness to share relevant knowledge to help the
development of an open sustainable ecosystem speak volume about the open
culture of your organisation and are very much in line with FIWARE’s
culture of collaboration.

With each release, brand new publications, *FIWARE DAYS
*international events*
*FIWARE Smart Fest,
list is long) we’ve continued to collaborate with the FIWARE community.
Over the past five years, we’ve set out joint initiatives aimed at
expanding your organisation's activities portfolio and presence on the
international stage. And let us  tell you that the fruits of this
collaboration have already spanned across many areas.

The one thing we never take for granted is the energy and loyalty you’ve
shown us as we’ve cruised and innovated together. You’ve  remained with us
as we navigate uncharted (tech) water and had to come up with novelty ways
of working together. For that, we are beyond grateful and humbled.

So on top of the expected “happy anniversary FIWARE Foundation”, let us
also add our sincere thank you to each one of you for being part of our
journey. Side by side, we’ll keep shaping the smart digital solutions
landscaping, based on Open Source tech. We’ve many reasons to celebrate
together and below you can listen to  some very personal Happy Bday wishes
from our Board of Directors and the whole team here at FIWARE Foundation.

And don't forget: after weeks of virtually celebrating our birthday with
you, we are more than thrilled to invite you to celebrate meeting again
face-to-face during our *FIWARE Global Summit
19-20) in Gran Canaria! The call for contribution
is open and super early bird tickets
are available now!



Warm wishes,
*FIWARE Foundation's Board of Officers*

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