[ff-all] Changes in the FIWARE Foundation team

Ulrich Ahle ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
Thu Apr 14 07:01:45 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

around Easter we will have some changes in our team.

Saying Goodbye to a fantastic coworker is always a heartfelt experience,
even more though, when this coworker is a true powerhouse of ideas, a
professional manager, kind but driving, sweet but decisive, a wonderful
personality but also like glue to the whole team. This is Quy! She came as
a working student to FIWARE and made it straight into the SCCON fair movie
(in the star role), later took over full fair plannings and realizations,
she handled key roles in funded projects, covered specific design work,
became an AirMeet specialists and covered products from the Membership
brochure to social media banners, and so much more. We would have loved Quy
to stay forever in our team, but a great opportunity is waiting for her to
conquer new waters - this time in the 'branding' world.
Quy, your new team is lucky to have you on board from May on. Wishing you
great success in your new role! We will miss you a lot and our doors will
always be open!

All, please join me in welcoming Andrii. Andrii is the first from a list of
young professionals who are affected by the war in the Ukraine. As Andrii
still lives in Kiev he will start to work with us as a full time sub
contractor. He will take over Quy's tasks.
As Andrii is not (yet) on our payroll he will use this email which is only
used for FIWARE-related activities and already part of our ff-all mailing
list: andr.baidak.fiware at gmail.com
Andrii about himself:
I have a background in digital marketing, product marketing, B2B sales and
support. Worked in various industries including automotive, mobile gaming,
educational apps. My experience is mostly about inbound marketing, I follow
the approach of understanding the client needs, optimizing the customer
journey map and experience from the client's point of view.
I have passion for photography, for a few years I also ran a photography
production business (B2B). From early years I've been a fan of various
machinery - I can also be described as petrolhead and aviation spotter. I
love cycling and day hiking.
FIWARE is in many ways a new direction for me and I'm excited to get to
know all of you better :)

[image: image.png]

With this I would like to wish all of you on behalf of the whole Board of
Officers a Happy Easter and some relaxing days.

Best Regards

Ulrich Ahle

Chief Executive Officer
FIWARE Foundation
Franklinstrasse 13 A
10587 Berlin - Germany

phone: +49-174-1533348
mail: ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
twitter: @AhleFIWARE
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