[ff-all] FYI : Special FIWARE rates @ Hotel Novum Style Berlin-Centrum (+ other hotels of the hotel operating company)

Andrea Kather andrea.kather at fiware.org
Fri Jan 13 14:56:05 CET 2023

Dear all,

since there were queries from the team : Novum Hospitality just confirmed
that the code can also be used for private trips.

Kind regards

     Andrea Kather

              Assistant to the BoO

         Email:andrea.kather at fiware.org <Email%3Aname.surname at fiware.org>



On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 at 14:20, Andrea Kather <andrea.kather at fiware.org>

> Dear all,
> FIWARE extended the company agreement with Hotel Novum Style
> Berlin-Centrum <https://www.novum-hotels.com/hotel-berlin-centrum-berlin> (Franklinstraße
> 23, 10587 Berlin, directly opposite the office).
> By using the code "*fiware*" for booking a room you'll get a 14% discount
> :
> [image: Novum Style.png]
> This discount can be applied by all FIWARE colleagues as well as FIWARE
> cooperation partners and guests, for details please check the Company Price
> Agreement.
> The new agreement additionally offers a discount for other hotels of the
> hotel operating company, which are shown in the Novum Hospitality locations
> overview.
> Both documents are stored on the drive in "FIWARE Company Agreement Novum
> Hospitality
> <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/180F5jLZQKAWL2ACN37dnbovKBslf8iW1?usp=share_link>
> ".
> Please note : Independent of company agreements, the hotel/hotel operating
> company runs special promotions for individual hotels from time to time, so
> please always check whether there are still cheaper daily rates available
> via booking platforms, as this may still be possible.
> Kind regards
> Andrea
>      Andrea Kather
>               Assistant to the BoO
>          Email:andrea.kather at fiware.org <Email%3Aname.surname at fiware.org>
>          www.fiware.org
> <https://nexus.lab.fiware.org/fiware.signature>
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