[ff-all] Starting day of Antje and Madlaine

Ulrich Ahle ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
Mon Jul 3 08:50:36 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

most of you had the chance to meet Antje and Madlaine already in Vienna.
This week both are starting with FIWARE in their new part time jobs.
Antje will start in the Marketing team and Madlaine will work together with

Hello, I am Antje Kelly, 41 years old and live with 2 children (3 and 7
years) and husband in Etteln. I am a media designer and have worked in a
medium-sized industrial company for the last 16 years. In my free time I
like to be in our garden with my children, read crime novels and volunteer
in the after school care of the local primary school.
[image: antje-kelly.jpg]

Good morning dear FIWARE team and thanks to everyone I already met in
person for the warm welcome!
Here’s some little facts about me…
I am Madlaine (my friends call me Mads) and I will be working with Andrea.
Who am I when I’m not doing that? I live in Berlin Kreuzberg, work as a
systemic business & and personal coach and I spend a lot of time in nature
with my dog Zula. I lived in some other corners of the world before, I’m
always up for open and clear communication and I’m looking very much
forward to working with you guys;)
Have a great start into the week!
[image: MO.jpeg]

Best Regards

Ulrich Ahle

Chief Executive Officer
FIWARE Foundation
Franklinstrasse 13 A
10587 Berlin - Germany

phone: +49-174-1533348
mail: ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
twitter: @AhleFIWARE
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