[ff-all] Fwd: [DeployAI] Accepted

Ulrich Ahle ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
Fri Oct 6 15:42:53 CEST 2023

Dear all,

let me share below news for the weekend. The 'DeployAI' consortium has been
selected for funding which is fantastic news. This project can be seen as
an extension of the DOME project into the direction of AI. It is a 28
million Euro project with a portion of 500.000,- Euro for FIWARE.
Congratulations to all who have contributed.

Let me also share the picture from today in Brussels with you from the
Gaia-X Governmental Advisory Board showing that I will not leave the
[image: image.png]
(from right: Hubert Tardieu, Pearse O'Donohue, me)
Hubert created the FIWARE Foundation back in 2016 and afterwards the Gaia-X
AISBL in 2020.
Pearse is Director General within the European Commission and I took over
the baton for the FIWARE Foundation from him on March 7th, 2017 in Brussel.
Pearse is now representing the European Commission in the Gaia-X
Governmental Advisory Board.

Pearse is also responsible for the SIMPL program. Tomorrow the 10 days
silent period will end to announce the two winning consortia:

   - Sopra Steria, NTTData and PwC
   - Eviden, Engineering, T-Systems, Aruba, Capgemini

Booth received a letter of endorsement from FIWARe as well as from Gaia-X
when they applied for SIMPL because they committed to create their proposal
in alignment with the Technical Convergence of the DSBA.
There is a clear commitment of all participants on the table (appr. 25 from
17 countries) to work closely together and FIWARE was mentioned
continuously during the day as a benchmark for Gaia-X.
All of us can be proud of this.

You see me in a very positive mude here in Brussels.

Have a nice weekend.

Best Regards

Ulrich Ahle

Chief Executive Officer
FIWARE Foundation
Franklinstrasse 13 A
10587 Berlin - Germany

phone: +49-174-1533348
mail: ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
twitter: @AhleFIWARE

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Köhler, Joachim <joachim.koehler at iais.fraunhofer.de>
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 12:38 PM
Subject: [DeployAI] Accepted
To: Friedmann, Laszlo <Laszlo.Friedmann at iais.fraunhofer.de>, Flores-Herr,
Nicolas <nicolas.flores-herr at iais.fraunhofer.de>,
Hannah.Wolff at izb.fraunhofer.de <Hannah.Wolff at izb.fraunhofer.de>, Welß,
Martin <Martin.Welss at iais.fraunhofer.de>, Poretschkin, Maximilian <
maximilian.poretschkin at iais.fraunhofer.de>, Mock, Michael <
michael.mock at iais.fraunhofer.de>, andre.gemuend at scai.fraunhofer.de <
andre.gemuend at scai.fraunhofer.de>, horst.schwichtenberg at scai.fraunhofer.de <
horst.schwichtenberg at scai.fraunhofer.de>, Engels, Marie Isabel <
marie.engels at iais.fraunhofer.de>, sidonie.holborn-hanssen at izb.fraunhofer.de
<sidonie.holborn-hanssen at izb.fraunhofer.de>, Borowski, Marion <
marion.borowski at iais.fraunhofer.de>, ilkka.lakaniemi at aalto.fi <
ilkka.lakaniemi at aalto.fi>, anna-riikka.smolander at aalto.fi <
anna-riikka.smolander at aalto.fi>, ruurik.holm at aalto.fi <ruurik.holm at aalto.fi>,
lutz.voelker at aspectpartners.eu <lutz.voelker at aspectpartners.eu>,
Vasileios.Baousis at ecmwf.int <Vasileios.Baousis at ecmwf.int>,
armagan.karatosun at ecmwf.int <armagan.karatosun at ecmwf.int>,
mohanad.albughdadi at ecmwf.int <mohanad.albughdadi at ecmwf.int>,
kurt.teichenthaler at convotis.com <kurt.teichenthaler at convotis.com>,
martin.baumgartner at convotis.com <martin.baumgartner at convotis.com>,
andreas.kiefer at convotis.com <andreas.kiefer at convotis.com>,
cgkizelis at cosmote.gr <cgkizelis at cosmote.gr>, amarinaki at ote.gr <
amarinaki at ote.gr>, mkefalogiannis at ote.gr <mkefalogiannis at ote.gr>,
martina.silov at croai.org <martina.silov at croai.org>,
vangelis at iit.demokritos.gr <vangelis at iit.demokritos.gr>,
iaklampanos at iit.demokritos.gr <iaklampanos at iit.demokritos.gr>,
denia at iit.demokritos.gr <denia at iit.demokritos.gr>,
xeniaziouvelou at iit.demokritos.gr <xeniaziouvelou at iit.demokritos.gr>,
costass at iit.demokritos.gr <costass at iit.demokritos.gr>,
petasis at iit.demokritos.gr <petasis at iit.demokritos.gr>,
john.soldatos at gmail.com <john.soldatos at gmail.com>, egalif at iit.demokritos.gr
<egalif at iit.demokritos.gr>, markouli at iit.demokritos.gr <
markouli at iit.demokritos.gr>, susanne.kuehrer at eitdigital.eu <
susanne.kuehrer at eitdigital.eu>, orestis.trasanidis at eitdigital.eu <
orestis.trasanidis at eitdigital.eu>, doris.pryjma at dimecc.com <
doris.pryjma at dimecc.com>, risto.lehtinen at dimecc.com <
risto.lehtinen at dimecc.com>, samuel at f6s.com <samuel at f6s.com>, nuno at f6s.com <
nuno at f6s.com>, hugo at f6s.com <hugo at f6s.com>, pianesi at fbk.eu <pianesi at fbk.eu>,
ulrich.ahle at fiware.org <ulrich.ahle at fiware.org>, clara.pezuela at fiware.org <
clara.pezuela at fiware.org>, juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>, daniel.abbou at ki-verband.de <
daniel.abbou at ki-verband.de>, iris.hempel at ki-verband.de <
iris.hempel at ki-verband.de>, joerg.bienert at ki-verband.de <
joerg.bienert at ki-verband.de>, francoise.soulie at outlook.com <
francoise.soulie at outlook.com>, pierre.monget at hub-franceia.fr <
pierre.monget at hub-franceia.fr>, chloe.pledel at hub-franceia.fr <
chloe.pledel at hub-franceia.fr>, maria.barros-weiss at ionos.com <
maria.barros-weiss at ionos.com>, deepak.narayanan at ionos.com <
deepak.narayanan at ionos.com>, maria.bahia-sousa at ionos.com <
maria.bahia-sousa at ionos.com>, igor at lighton.ai <igor at lighton.ai>,
patrick at lighton.ai <patrick at lighton.ai>, filipe.pais at lxp.lu <
filipe.pais at lxp.lu>, dzmitry.kliazovich at lxp.lu <dzmitry.kliazovich at lxp.lu>,
alban.rousset at lxp.lu <alban.rousset at lxp.lu>, valentin.plugaru at lxp.lu <
valentin.plugaru at lxp.lu>, a.tzoumas at scify.org <a.tzoumas at scify.org>,
vgia at scify.org <vgia at scify.org>, teppo.lindberg at silo.ai <
teppo.lindberg at silo.ai>, jussi.karlgren at silo.ai <jussi.karlgren at silo.ai>,
aarne.talman at silo.ai <aarne.talman at silo.ai>, amaru.gyllensten at ai.se <
amaru.gyllensten at ai.se>, felix.stollenwerk at ai.se <felix.stollenwerk at ai.se>,
bjorn.hovstadius at ai.se <bjorn.hovstadius at ai.se>, magnus.sahlgren at ai.se <
magnus.sahlgren at ai.se>, frank.wisselink at t-systems.com <
frank.wisselink at t-systems.com>, Guido.Ising at t-systems.com <
Guido.Ising at t-systems.com>, frank.litsch at t-systems.com <
frank.litsch at t-systems.com>, rene.vonstillfried at t-systems.com <
rene.vonstillfried at t-systems.com>, nizar.msadek at t-systems.com' <
nizar.msadek at t-systems.com'>, Moritz.Burgmaier at t-systems.com <
Moritz.Burgmaier at t-systems.com>, Sebastian.Hallensleben at vde.com <
Sebastian.Hallensleben at vde.com>, katharina.vonknop at vde.com <
katharina.vonknop at vde.com>, smouzakitis at epu.ntua.gr <smouzakitis at epu.ntua.gr>,
vkarakolis at epu.ntua.gr <vkarakolis at epu.ntua.gr>, aleksi.kallio at csc.fi <
aleksi.kallio at csc.fi>, heli.lehtovuori at csc.fi <heli.lehtovuori at csc.fi>,
katja.lintila at csc.fi <katja.lintila at csc.fi>, roberto at zicari.de <
roberto at zicari.de>, leonardo.espinosaleal at arcada.fi <
leonardo.espinosaleal at arcada.fi>, magnus.westerlund at arcada.fi <
magnus.westerlund at arcada.fi>, alessandro.saffiotti at oru.se <
alessandro.saffiotti at oru.se>, Jennifer.Renoux at oru.se <Jennifer.Renoux at oru.se>,
Uwe.Kockemann at oru.se <Uwe.Kockemann at oru.se>, mbryn at dtu.dk <mbryn at dtu.dk>,
jesnyl at dtu.dk <jesnyl at dtu.dk>, upl at dtu.dk <upl at dtu.dk>, shmp at dtu.dk <
shmp at dtu.dk>, raze at dtu.dk <raze at dtu.dk>, petri.myllymaki at helsinki.fi <
petri.myllymaki at helsinki.fi>, caj.sodergard at gmail.com <
caj.sodergard at gmail.com>
Cc: vangelis_EXT <vangelis at iit.demokritos.gr>, Friedmann, Laszlo <
Laszlo.Friedmann at iais.fraunhofer.de>, Iraklis Angelos Klampanos <
iaklampanos at iit.demokritos.gr>, Antonis Koukourikos <
kukurik at iit.demokritos.gr>, Antonis Troumpoukis <antru at iit.demokritos.gr>

Dear DeployAI fellows,

DeployAI is selected! This is a wonderful news for all of us. The official
notification of the commission is attached and we have to follow the
procedure to finalize the grant agreement.

Now I would like to thank again all of you, especially the core team,
writing and organizing such strong proposal. Congratulation to all of us!

Before we start the concrete next steps, we should celebrate and enjoy this
fantastic news and this success. Next week we will provide more information
and instructions how to proceed. We will also have a meeting with the
commission beginning next week.

With the successful evaluation we have really the opportunity to realize
and design the future of the European AI landscape with the AIoDP. We are
looking forward to work together in this excellent consortium.

Kind regards,


*Von:* Köhler, Joachim
*Gesendet:* Montag, 28. August 2023 20:15
*An:* Friedmann, Laszlo <Laszlo.Friedmann at iais.fraunhofer.de>; Flores-Herr,
Nicolas <nicolas.flores-herr at iais.fraunhofer.de>;
Hannah.Wolff at izb.fraunhofer.de; Welß, Martin <
Martin.Welss at iais.fraunhofer.de>; Poretschkin, Maximilian <
maximilian.poretschkin at iais.fraunhofer.de>; Mock, Michael <
michael.mock at iais.fraunhofer.de>; andre.gemuend at scai.fraunhofer.de;
horst.schwichtenberg at scai.fraunhofer.de; Engels, Marie Isabel <
marie.engels at iais.fraunhofer.de>; sidonie.holborn-hanssen at izb.fraunhofer.de;
Borowski, Marion <marion.borowski at iais.fraunhofer.de>;
ilkka.lakaniemi at aalto.fi; anna-riikka.smolander at aalto.fi;
ruurik.holm at aalto.fi; lutz.voelker at aspectpartners.eu;
Vasileios.Baousis at ecmwf.int; armagan.karatosun at ecmwf.int;
mohanad.albughdadi at ecmwf.int; kurt.teichenthaler at convotis.com;
martin.baumgartner at convotis.com; andreas.kiefer at convotis.com;
cgkizelis at cosmote.gr; amarinaki at ote.gr; mkefalogiannis at ote.gr;
martina.silov at croai.org; vangelis at iit.demokritos.gr;
iaklampanos at iit.demokritos.gr; denia at iit.demokritos.gr;
xeniaziouvelou at iit.demokritos.gr; costass at iit.demokritos.gr;
petasis at iit.demokritos.gr; john.soldatos at gmail.com; egalif at iit.demokritos.gr;
markouli at iit.demokritos.gr; susanne.kuehrer at eitdigital.eu;
orestis.trasanidis at eitdigital.eu; doris.pryjma at dimecc.com;
risto.lehtinen at dimecc.com; samuel at f6s.com; nuno at f6s.com; hugo at f6s.com;
pianesi at fbk.eu; ulrich.ahle at fiware.org; clara.pezuela at fiware.org;
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org; daniel.abbou at ki-verband.de;
iris.hempel at ki-verband.de; joerg.bienert at ki-verband.de;
francoise.soulie at outlook.com; pierre.monget at hub-franceia.fr;
chloe.pledel at hub-franceia.fr; maria.barros-weiss at ionos.com;
deepak.narayanan at ionos.com; maria.bahia-sousa at ionos.com; igor at lighton.ai;
patrick at lighton.ai; filipe.pais at lxp.lu; dzmitry.kliazovich at lxp.lu;
alban.rousset at lxp.lu; valentin.plugaru at lxp.lu; a.tzoumas at scify.org;
vgia at scify.org; teppo.lindberg at silo.ai; jussi.karlgren at silo.ai;
aarne.talman at silo.ai; amaru.gyllensten at ai.se; felix.stollenwerk at ai.se;
bjorn.hovstadius at ai.se; magnus.sahlgren at ai.se; frank.wisselink at t-systems.com;
Guido.Ising at t-systems.com; frank.litsch at t-systems.com;
rene.vonstillfried at t-systems.com; nizar.msadek at t-systems.com';
Moritz.Burgmaier at t-systems.com; Sebastian.Hallensleben at vde.com;
katharina.vonknop at vde.com; smouzakitis at epu.ntua.gr; vkarakolis at epu.ntua.gr;
aleksi.kallio at csc.fi; heli.lehtovuori at csc.fi; katja.lintila at csc.fi;
roberto at zicari.de; leonardo.espinosaleal at arcada.fi;
magnus.westerlund at arcada.fi; alessandro.saffiotti at oru.se;
Jennifer.Renoux at oru.se; Uwe.Kockemann at oru.se; mbryn at dtu.dk; jesnyl at dtu.dk;
upl at dtu.dk; shmp at dtu.dk; raze at dtu.dk; petri.myllymaki at helsinki.fi;
caj.sodergard at gmail.com
*Cc:* vangelis_EXT <vangelis at iit.demokritos.gr>; Friedmann, Laszlo <
Laszlo.Friedmann at iais.fraunhofer.de>; 'Iraklis Angelos Klampanos' <
iaklampanos at iit.demokritos.gr>; Antonis Koukourikos <
kukurik at iit.demokritos.gr>; 'Antonis Troumpoukis' <antru at iit.demokritos.gr>
*Betreff:* [DeployAI] Update and submission process

Dear DeployAI fellows,

We would like to inform you about the proposal and submission process.
Today we have finalized everything. All partners (!!!) have provided the
ownership declaration in time and provided all information for part A.
Thanks a lot!

We have reduced the content of the proposal (part B) to 50 pages. This was
not so easy, but the team managed this issue well. Here, you find the
version we have already uploaded to the portal. Hence, the initial
submission is made. It would be great if you find time to read it and to
provide feedback to the core-team (see cc list). We need you feedback until
12.00 CEST tomorrow, if we should consider it. Budget shifts are not
possible anymore.

There is one update regarding the consortium. ENG has decided to leave the
consortium together with EIB. We have mapped the tasks/effort mainly to OTE
and SciFY. Thanks a lot.

As soon we have the final submission done, we will inform you again. Thanks
for all contributions again.

Kind regards,


Dr.-Ing.  Joachim Köhler

Head of Department NetMedia

Fraunhofer IAIS

Schloss Birlinghoven 1

53754 St. Augustin, Germany

T:   ++49 2241 14 2500

M: ++49 170 7834833

Email: Joachim.Koehler at iais.fraunhofer.de
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