[ff-marketing] Friday's Funded Project Call

Cristina Brandtstetter cristina.brandtstetter at fiware.org
Fri Sep 22 02:05:33 CEST 2023

Dear all,

As most of you know, there will be the Herne Press Conference from 12 to
14h on this Friday where I will attend to present FIWARE, but also for
further partnership announcements.

After last night's preparations with the city of Herne, I will attend the
full time, therefore I have for now cancelled our Funded Projects Call.
I would however invite Tonia, Kseniia and Lydia to let me know if you would
like to arrange for separate project call in that hour from 12-13.
In such a case, we may invite to a shorter project specific slots.
So, please stay tuned until we have a decision and invite newly or skip the
call for this week.

Many thanks
Cristina Brandtstetter
Chief Marketing Officer
M. +39 3737004468
cristina.brandtstetter at fiware.org

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