[FI-NEXT] fi-next ca version 14.02.207

Stefano De Panfilis stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org
Fri Feb 24 13:15:05 CET 2017

dear celine,

thank you very much for your valuable help on the matter.


On 22 February 2017 at 18:38, <celine.fontaine at orange.com> wrote:

> Dear Stefano,
> I hope that you are well.
> We have considered the remaining issue related to the open source
> provision article
> We propose a modification of your wording. Please see the document
> attached.
> Even though it is not perfect (assuming that you are well aware that we do
> not support the idea of a public statement), we propose this modification
> as we think that “linking” a software with a Fiware component under a
> controlled license could not be an aggregate (for instance in case of the
> GNU GPL license or the GNU Affero License), and therefore should be
> confusing for a potential user. We want that the public statement that you
> want to have should be simpler as possible and be understood by a potential
> user.
> We want to be cautious about the fact that this interaction should not be
> considered as a derivative work.
> Best regards,
> [image: Orange logo] <http://www.orange.com/>
> *Céline Fontaine *
> Legal Counsel IP
> phone: +33 1 57 39 62 39
> <https://monsi.sso.francetelecom.fr/index.asp?target=http%3A%2F%2Fclicvoice.sso.francetelecom.fr%2FClicvoiceV2%2FToolBar.do%3Faction%3Ddefault%26rootservice%3DSIGNATURE%26to%3D+33%201%2045%2029%2062%2039>
> celine.fontaine at orange.com
> *De :* Stefano De Panfilis [mailto:stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org]
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 16 février 2017 19:47
> *À :* SARRAZIN Robert SG/DJ
> *Cc :* fi-next at lists.fiware.org; Maria Luisa Porro; FONTAINE Céline
> *Objet :* Re: fi-next ca version 14.02.207
> dear robert,
> indeed, it was my mistake not to add the new text for article in
> the first version of the ca, but as soon as somebody reminded that to me i
> immediately put it in.
> apologise for the inconvenience.
> please as soons as your open source expert colleague will be back from the
> holidays address he/her really asap, becouse the signature progress cannot
> proceed as well as the distribution of funding. indeed, the requireent from
> my management is not to distribute any single euro before the ca is at
> least agreed by all (in principle they would like to have it duly signed by
> all...).
> can you tell us when you think you'll come back to us?
> i'm sure you very well understand the urgency, but also the priority i'm
> giving you.
> ciao,
> stefano
> On 16 February 2017 at 11:58, <robert.sarrazin at orange.com> wrote:
> Dear Stefano,
> Thank you for your explanations.
> I was not aware that a dedicated team worked on this issue, to suggest
> the new  wording you propose for Article I have only noticed that
> such a wording has been proposed almost at the end of CA negotiations for
> the Fi next Project   .
> As you know, we do not support the idea of a public statement which can be
> not compliant with the applicable license terms  of an open source license
> chosen by a contributor.
> You are right when you say that some of the  “controlled licences “  are a
> bit ambiguous but we cannot re-write the text of such licenses. In any case
> the terms of such licenses remain applicable, when chosen by a given
> contributor.
> Having said that I intend to further examine this matter with our open
> source expert ( which is currently out of office until next week ) to
> consider if  possible alternative solutions are workable  .
> Best regards
> *De :* Stefano De Panfilis [mailto:stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org]
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 16 février 2017 06:26
> *À :* SARRAZIN Robert SG/DJ
> *Cc :* fi-next at lists.fiware.org; Maria Luisa Porro; FONTAINE Céline
> *Objet :* Re: fi-next ca version 14.02.207
> dear robert,
> it is true that the original statement you'd like to push back was that in
> the ca of fi-core, but, and i guess you miss this information, within the
> fi-core project a dedicated team open to all the beneficiaries worked for
> several months and came out with the text that is now in this fi-next ca.
> what i wonted to remark here is that the current text is not my text out
> of the blue, but is a text which come out as a collaborative work of all
> (well may be only the interested) beneficiaries of fi-core. most of the
> beneficiaries who participated in such collaborative effort were supported
> by their attorneis.
> now i do not remember if orange participated in that dedicated team and if
> so the person there was supported by a legal expert, still the text in the
> current ca comes from many months of effort as a collaborative work.
> the goal of that team was to guarantee the maximum adoption of the fiware
> technologies. as you well know all of those technologies offer rest apis to
> be used to use such software in new applications. this is perfectly in line
> with all the major oss communities which offer software through the cloud
> as fiware does.
> as you well know, some of the controlled licences are a bit ambiguous on
> what they consider derivative work. we as fiware cannot accept that the
> simple usage of unmodifed software through the apis it offers is considered
> a derivative work. if this is the case all the key concept of fiware,
> including for instance fiware lab, become meaningless. this is exactly what
> we do not want!
> so the result of the decicated team was for case 3 (i.e. software produced
> by a single contributor who want to use a controlled licence for its
> software) to put the statement, as mongdb does, to avoid any doubt of the
> interpretation of what is derivative work and what is not. as simple as
> that.
> if you have alternative solutions that match this requirement i'm happy to
> study them, but the current formulation you suggest, i.e. the old
> formulation in fi-core, does not protect fiware and its wider adoption,
> even more it generates exactly the counter effect which is the death of
> fiware.
> i'm sure you well understand these concerns and i'm far then happy to find
> a good solution together with you, but which will not bring back us.
> ciao,
> stefano
> On 15 February 2017 at 17:08, <robert.sarrazin at orange.com> wrote:
> Dear Stefano,
> Thank you for your reply
> I understand the Fiware objectives and  that you want somehow to manage
> case 3   “. those who are the only owner and want to use controlled
> licenses” but, on the other hand,  I am afraid it should be difficult for
> a given contributor to make a *correct *– public – statement saying: *Software
> that merely uses or aggregates (i.e. links to) an otherwise unmodified
> version of the <name of FIWARE GEri> product software is not considered a
> derivative work”*. If such contributor use certain  controlled licenses,
> for the distribution of the concerned software, if  such statement is not
> compliant with the applicable  license terms of   the controlled license
> chosen by such contributor .
> Such kind of public  statement , in my opinion, does not give  legal
> certainty   for a potential user.
> In other words I think that such public statement does not solve the
> problem .
> I do  not  really see  the reason why we do not use the initial wording
> that you have proposed for Article ( with slight modifications-  )
> which  has been already discussed for Fi Core project and which  seems in
> line with your objective to limit as much as possible case 3  .
> We can further examine the matter with our open source expert( which is
> currently out of office until next week  ) but now  I cannot support the
> idea of this public statement .
> Best regards
> *De :* Stefano De Panfilis [mailto:stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org]
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 15 février 2017 12:41
> *À :* SARRAZIN Robert SG/DJ
> *Cc :* fi-next at lists.fiware.org; Maria Luisa Porro; FONTAINE Céline
> *Objet :* Re: fi-next ca version 14.02.207
> dear robert,
> we have to distingush between three different cases:
> 1. the case of those who are fully compliant with fiware approach
> 2. those who use third party software which use controlled licenses
> 3. those who are the only owner and want to use controlled licenses
> the goal of fiware is to limit as much as possible cases 2 and 3 or at
> least limits their effects.
> so considering that as such we cannot do anything with case 2 more then
> that having the fiware technical steering committee trying to persuade the
> contributor to avoid to use software released under controlled licenses, we
> would want somehow to manage case 3 and this why we ask them to use the
> additional text proposed. this way also the case 3 becomes fully fiware
> compliant.
> please note that mongodb applies a very much similar approach to us (
> https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/the-agpl), i.e. we, as them, want that
> fiware users can use fiware (i.e.  connect their applications to fiware)
> without considering them derivative work.
> so, honestly, we would prefer to keep the current wording.
> ciao,
> stefano
> On 15 February 2017 at 11:55, <robert.sarrazin at orange.com> wrote:
> Dear Stefano,
> Thank you for this new version.
> I  appreciate your efforts to propose a compromise text related to Article
> However I do not agree to state an obligation  to make such a public
> statement , ie an attempt to interpret ( for the public )  the applicable
> license terms of an open source licence, for the reasons already explained
> .
> Furthermore it seems inconsistent that such a public statement shall be
> made by a contributor who cannot ensure that  the relevant  terms  are met.
> If such terms are not met, the concerned contributor shall  thus not be  in
> a position to make the public statement that you propose to make. In any
> case we think that such a public statement does not give legal certainty to
> a potential user of a reference implementation.
> So I  propose to go back to the initial wording proposed ( coming from a
> previous project )  with slight modifications ( see attached wording )
> Thank you for your understanding .
> Best regards
> *De :* Stefano De Panfilis [mailto:stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 14 février 2017 18:47
> *À :* fi-next at lists.fiware.org; Maria Luisa Porro; SARRAZIN Robert SG/DJ
> *Objet :* fi-next ca version 14.02.207
> dear all,
> please find attached the last version of the ca which really i'd like to
> consider really final.
> actually i'll do so if i will not receive requests for modifications
> within *this friday noon*.
> attached to this email you get two versions one clean, on which in case
> you provide your missing data or requests for modifications if any, and a
> version with all the changes with respect to the previous version for you
> to check the modifications i made.
> if there are no requests for modifications, this monday we can start the
> signature process and on receiving the signatures also i can instruct
> engineering to forward the due pre-financing.
> please note i still miss data from:
> - dfki (page 4 and page 50)
> - image & reseaux (page 48)
> - upm (page 51)
> ciao,
> stefano
> --
> *Stefano De Panfilis*
> *Chief Operating Officer   *
> *FIWARE Foundation e.V.*
> Franklinstrasse 13A
> 10587 Berlin
> mob: +393357542567 <+39%20335%20754%202567>
> skype: depa01
> twitter: depa01
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> --
> *Stefano De Panfilis*
> *Chief Operating Officer   *
> *FIWARE Foundation e.V.*
> Franklinstrasse 13A
> 10587 Berlin
> mob: +393357542567 <+39%20335%20754%202567>
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> --
> *Stefano De Panfilis*
> *Chief Operating Officer   *
> *FIWARE Foundation e.V.*
> Franklinstrasse 13A
> 10587 Berlin
> mob: +393357542567 <+39%20335%20754%202567>
> skype: depa01
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> Thank you.
> --
> *Stefano De Panfilis*
> *Chief Operating Officer   *
> *FIWARE Foundation e.V.*
> Franklinstrasse 13A
> 10587 Berlin
> mob: +393357542567 <+39%20335%20754%202567>
> skype: depa01
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> Thank you.

*Stefano De Panfilis*
*Chief Operating Officer   *
*FIWARE Foundation e.V.*

Franklinstrasse 13A
10587 Berlin

mob: +393357542567
skype: depa01
twitter: depa01
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