[FI-NEXT] final review rehearsal

Stefano De Panfilis stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org
Tue Jan 29 20:39:59 CET 2019

dear all,

as already said during our call this is to confirm that on 19-20 march we
are going to have the rehearsal for the final review in brussels.

very kindly gilles is offering the meeting room of organge in rue de la
science which is very conveniently located being in central brussels.

since the room has limited capacity i prepared a shared spreadsheet to list
who is coming (
please fill it by this week as to be sure the location is capable to
conveniently host all of us.


Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Operating Officer
stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
Mob: +393357542567
Skype: depa01
twitter: depa01

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