[Ficore-administrative] VERY IMPORTANT ON FI-Core AMENDMENT: General Assembly voting regarding FI-Core first amendment

Franck Le Gall franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com
Wed Oct 14 11:35:32 CEST 2015

Dear Juanjo,

We just voted ‘No’ to the proposed amendment, knowing that it will, not change  anything on the final results but at least to express that we never get any answers on our 2 points:

* Mistake you made in the removal of budget (9k) on EGM (we had no budget on WP1.1 so it cannot be removed there)
* Request to get EGM involved in the newly created tasks on testing 1.1.4 by moving m.m from the sustainability one, as we are probably among the best partners to be involved here. Note  that we will continue anyway to  contribute to the test activities of A16 as part of the coaching activities as we got appointed by FI-C3 to do so. Being involved in 1.1.4 would have tightened the links between all actions.

Overall, we did hire people who could do more at a lower cost so reducing by 9k + moving m.m would be OK and coming to an arrangement would have been straightforward. Issue is that nobody answered on our requests from Telefonica side so difficult to negotiate with a ‘black-hole’

Kind regards

De : ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org] De la part de Juanjo Hierro
Envoyé : vendredi 9 octobre 2015 13:16
À : fiware at lists.fiware.org; ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org; ficore-legal at lists.fi-ware.org
Objet : [Ficore-administrative] VERY IMPORTANT ON FI-Core AMENDMENT: General Assembly voting regarding FI-Core first amendment

Dear partners,

  Thank you for your feedback and comments regarding the DoW drafts we have been exchanging these days.

  We also have final green light from the EC side to the proposed DoW.

  We have produced a very final version of the DoW you can download using the following link:
  The attached spreadsheet summarizes the budget/effort/funding allocation among the partners as well as the details of the changes affecting each partner.

  You will see that the efforts (PMs) have been recalculated (both the PMs originally assigned as well as the ones to be left) based on the costs per PM reported by each partner in month 10, always maintaining the original and target budget and funding allocation.   The PMs listed in the headers of the WP description forms within the DoW are aligned with the attached spreadsheet.

  The DoW incorporates a new version of the summary text describing the amendment.  It mostly incorporates comments received from the EC associated to further engagement of companies that are part of the FIWARE Core Industry Group (e.g., creation of foundation or involvement in FIWARE marketing programme).   PMs listed in the third table of that summary text also had to be recalculated in some cases following the approach described above.

  Now we have to proceed with a voting on the amendment.   You should cast your vote in the following shared google docs spreadsheet:
  Please note that the deadline to cast your vote is Friday October 16, 14:00 CET.

  We expect that the voting for this amendment will be positive.   However, I believe that it is fair to share with you what we believe would be the consequences of a negative vote and the reaction by the EC (as they have anticipated during conversations maintained with them).   The most probable scenario is that a formal declaration of "non-performance" would be declared on the project which would imply at least that: a) no further funding will be accepted/transferred to the partners by the EC until the non-performance status gets fixed (which would mean defining an implementing a plan which I can hardly believe is going to be different than the one defined through this amendment) b) work until month 13 would be carefully reviewed and assessed with all the risks this may imply regarding acceptance of costs during those periods of the project during which the service level provided, in terms of support of the FIWARE Lab or quality of documentation and support on individual GEris, has been far from excellence.   With this info in advance, I believe you will be able to take a more informed decision.

  At the time we are writing this message, we are reviewing the description of partners' roles in each of the tasks to make sure there are no inconsistencies.   However, this is mostly an editorial exercise which doesn't invalidate the results of the voting in place.

  In addition, there are two changes in the DoW that are pending but have zero effect in the activities of existing partners beyond the DoW draft now being circulated.   We would like to introduce them if we have time before closing the NEF session where data about the amendment will be introduced:

  *   Inclusion of iHub.eu as partner dealing with payments of bounties given away under the FIWARE bounty programme.   Payment of bounties will become a hard administrative task (many payments of small amounts).  Therefore, we are happy that this task can be taken by iHub.eu which is the new organization created to serve the FIWARE iHub network.   They would get assigned the bounty programme budget in order to deal with those payments (currently assigned to TID until a beneficiary was identified).
  *   Inclusion of Infotec and Tecnológico de Monterrey to declare activities where they are involved regarding the FIWARE community (setup and operation of the FIWARE Lab node in Mexico, contributions to work on Orion Context Broker, contribution to the FIWARE-ready IoT devices programme, support to activities linked to creation of a FIWARE community in Mexico).   The funding of their activities would be provided by the Mexican government without meaning any transfer of funding from the EC, therefore affecting existing partners.

  The EC welcomes very much the inclusion of these two partners in the amendment if they manage to finalize their legal and financial validation process on time.

  Despite the effect of including these two new beneficiaries in this amendment is neutral to existing partners, we will carry out also a vote regarding their inclusion.   For this reason, you will see there are two specific columns in the shared google docs where you are asked to cast your vote for this amendment.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

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