[Ficore-administrative] RV: FI-CORE feed back on the first reporting period payment

Donato Cohen, Malena malena.donato at atos.net
Mon Oct 24 15:33:34 CEST 2016

Thank you Javier!

Now is all clear… Usually the EC directly adds the partner name which I find easy, anyway is clear now.

Thanks and regards,


From: JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ [mailto:javier.depedrosanchez at telefonica.com]
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 3:30 PM
To: Donato Cohen, Malena; ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org
Cc: eu_research
Subject: RE: [Ficore-administrative] RV: FI-CORE feed back on the first reporting period payment

Hi, B is for Beneficiary (nomenclature of the EC). The number is the index of each beneficiary on NEF.
Please let me show you a screenshot of NEF:
[cid:image001.jpg at 01D22E0B.FADF6CB0]


Javier de Pedro Sánchez
Telefónica I+D

De: Donato Cohen, Malena [mailto:malena.donato at atos.net]
Enviado el: lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016 10:19
Para: JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ <javier.depedrosanchez at telefonica.com<mailto:javier.depedrosanchez at telefonica.com>>; ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org>
CC: eu_research <eu_research.tid at telefonica.com<mailto:eu_research.tid at telefonica.com>>
Asunto: RE: [Ficore-administrative] RV: FI-CORE feed back on the first reporting period payment

Dear Javier,

Sorry but I don’t understand what you mean by B7, B8, B20 etc.

Could you please tell us to which partners are these comments for?

Thank you in advanced,

Best regards,


From: ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2016 11:14 AM
To: ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org>
Cc: eu_research
Subject: [Ficore-administrative] RV: FI-CORE feed back on the first reporting period payment
Importance: High

Dear all, please find enclosed some comments from our Financial Officer to be in account in the next reporting period.

Third Party of B2: didn't'  claim any cost ,He left on 1/6/2015(reporting period 1/9/2014 – 1/6/2015). So please inform him that if it is a mistake , he can submit adjustment in next reporting period.

B7:  Please note that we have noticed that we have done a mistake in the calculation, the amount rejected is not correct, it should be

WP 17: rejection of 4.47 *10109= 45187
WP42: rejection of 0,1*7858= 785,8
Total of rejection should be 45973€ and not 49119 I the rejection for WP42 is 0,1 MM….

We have rejected too much by mistake, as we cannot do our self a positive adjustment, could you please ask the beneficiary in the next reporting period to add the positive amount as an adjustment (for correction in the calculation in the rejection in RP1)?

B8: costs of 569.32 € - 28/07/2014-31/07/2014 mission in Brussels .Could you please ask a confirmation from the beneficiary if the dates are correct ?
If so, 12996*0.72 we will have to reject the cost in next Reporting Period as it occurs before the start of the project (01/09/2014).

B20: rejection are not correct for WP32: Could you please provide a positive adjustment in the next reporting period ?
13 256 € / 1,02 is not 12 096 but 12996 so the total rejected is 23402 and not 24050€. (total to be rejected indirect costs included is 37 443 and not 38480€) Please add the difference and the indirect costs in the next RP (in reference mistake in the calculation of rejection in RP1).

B 22 rejection are not correct the amount of personnel costs should be 45924 and not 45887 . €. (total to be rejected indirect costs included is 73478€ and not 73419€) – Difference of 60€
This amount will be corrected by the EC in the next Reporting period (no need for adjustment from the beneficiary as the adjustment will be negative).

B24: the sum of the detail of the list of travels (9098) doesn't correspond to the cost claim by the beneficiary as other costs(8063). So please inform the beneficiary that if it is a mistake , he can submit adjustment in next reporting period.


B30: Procedures 7, 12, 13 and 14 are missing. Please ask the auditor of the beneficiary to send them by email for the next reporting period.

Please note that the project ends on December 31st, 2016. So, next reporting period will be opened on January 2017.


Javier de Pedro Sánchez
Telefónica I+D

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