[Ficore-administrative] FI-Core: FORM-C-2 : Remarks from the EC (status)

JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ javier.depedrosanchez at telefonica.com
Tue Jun 13 10:39:40 CEST 2017

Dear all,
Please let me inform you about the current status of the EC’s remarks:

[cid:image003.png at 01D2E431.50850130]

We are still working on the pending remarks.
Estimation: to be done this week.
Please find attached the current status of the report that we are integrating with all the responses we have received so far.

The process of the final payment is blocked until the EC has received all the answers.


Javier de Pedro Sánchez
Telefónica I+D

De: ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: jueves, 1 de junio de 2017 9:26
Para: 'ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org' <ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org>
CC: eu_research <eu_research.tid at telefonica.com>
Asunto: Re: [Ficore-administrative] FI-Core: FORM-C-2 : Remarks from the EC

Dear all,
Please let me inform you about the current status of the EC’s remarks:
[cid:image004.png at 01D2E431.50850130]

We are still working on the pending remarks.

The process of the final payment is blocked until the EC has received all the answers.


Javier de Pedro Sánchez
Telefónica I+D

De: ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:ficore-administrative-bounces at lists.fiware.org] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017 14:19
Para: 'ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org'
CC: eu_research
Asunto: Re: [Ficore-administrative] FI-Core: FORM-C-2 : Remarks from the EC
Importancia: Alta

Dear all,
A kind reminder.
There are 8 pending remarks:
[cid:image005.jpg at 01D2E431.50850130]

Please, send your responses by the end of May to us.
The process of the final payment is blocked until the EC has received all the answers.

Please find attached the current status of the report that we are integrating with all the responses we have received so far.


Javier de Pedro Sánchez
Telefónica I+D

Enviado el: miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017 8:22
Para: 'ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org'
CC: eu_research
Asunto: RE: FI-Core: FORM-C-2 : Remarks from the EC
Importancia: Alta

Dear all,
The EC has sent the rest of the pending remarks:

In the adjustment to RP1 Thales is re-submitting personnel costs that were rejected in RP1. What is the exact amount of these costs (in the 10.093 € are also included costs following a re-evaluation of the 2015 hourly rate) and on which grounds are they re-submitted?

In the form C of previous period the cost for the CFS is 1309 €. In the form C of this period it is 1354 €. Please clarify.

Please give the breakdown of the costs of 48.507 € for the Britanny node.

I note that the audit report is not a proper CFS due to the situation of this beneficiary. The costs of this "CFS" cannot be accepted. Without a valid CFS I am afraid we will not be able to accept any costs from this partner.

B-30 OG1
This beneficiary is entitled to claim the costs, 4000 €, of the CFS done in RP1. Please add it to the management costs, subcontracting, or confirm that you do not claim it.
The total budget foreseen for subcontracting according to the DOW is 863.243 €. In RP1 this beneficiary declared 361.336 € as subcontracting costs, category Other, now he declares 974.966 under category Other, which means 473.059 € above budget (not taking into account the costs of the 2 CFS).
Regarding the CFS could the auditor confirm in writing or add in the Independent report, under Factual findings that "no exceptions were noted".
Could he also confirm that the fee of 3.730 € paid for the CFS does not include VAT?
In the part Procedures, under Subcontracting, point 6, what the auditor writes does not really make sense, something is missing there. Please ask the auditor to confirm that he checked that the tendering process was followed and that a written analysis of value-for-money had been prepared by the beneficiary in support of the final choice of subcontractor, see attached template, p. 10.
Under Other direct costs the auditor skipped point 7 about allocation of equipment. Could he please confirm that he found none.
I also wonder about point 8 in the CFS, consumables. The auditor writes that he inspected a sample of 68% of the items, this is in contradiction with the Use of Resources table where there are no costs declared for consumables. Please clarify.
Regarding the Indirect costs as this beneficiary uses a simplified method I do not understand point 9 in the CFS, flat rate in accordance with Annex II does not apply in this case. Please clarify.
Furthermore and still in the part Procedures, points 12 to 14 are missing. Please ask the auditor to add them and indicate "not applicable" when it is the case.

B-32 Bitergia
In the CFS, part TOR, 1.2, the auditor only mentions "the interim Financial statement". Could he please add "and final"? The dates for the period covered is correct.

In the Use of Resources table please give the breakdown of the costs, 67.717 and 21980 €, for the datacenter (servers, storage etc.)

In the Use of Resources table please give the breakdown of the costs of 49.100 € for equipment.

In the Use of Resources table please deta!il de Othezr direct costs as these are above 15% of the Personnel costs.

In the Use of Resources table please deta!il de Othezr direct costs as these are above 15% of the Personnel costs.

In the Use of Resources table please deta!il de Othezr direct costs as these are above 15% of the Personnel costs.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the countdown of the payment time is on hold till a new NEF session is submitted.


Javier de Pedro Sánchez
Telefónica I+D

Enviado el: lunes, 24 de abril de 2017 12:49
Para: ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:ficore-administrative at lists.fi-ware.org>
CC: eu_research <eu_research.tid at telefonica.com<mailto:eu_research.tid at telefonica.com>>
Asunto: FI-Core: FORM-C-2 : Remarks from the EC
Importancia: Alta

Dear all.
Please find enclosed the first list of remarks from the Commission.

The cost of the CFS should be reported in the Form C and in the Use of resources table as Subcontracting management costs (instead of Other direct costs). Please correct.
The CFS only concerns the final period. The costs of the 1st period should also have been audited. Please ask the auditor to complete their report. Please upload the full and completed CFS as one single document.

Please indicate the name and position of the authorized representative from the firm Kesselman & Kesselman who signed the 3 parts of the CFS (Terms of Reference, Independent report and Procedures).

Please explain the very high costs, 20.478 €, for the CFS covering RP2. Only 9000€ were budgeted as subcontracting costs for the 2 CFS.

We think that this is an uncompleted list, and we are waiting for the rest of remarks from the EC. As soon as we have received the rest of the list, we´ll send it to you.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the countdown of the payment time is on hold till a new NEF session is submitted.


Javier de Pedro Sánchez
Telefónica I+D


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