Dear all, Please find enclosed an important e-mail regarding the first amendment of FI-Core project. BR Javier. De: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at [mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at] En nombre de Juanjo Hierro Enviado el: miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016 16:55 Para: fiware at CC: fiware-chapter-architects at; fiware-chapter-leaders at; fiware-wg-leaders at Asunto: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Final version of FI-Core DoW ready for submission on NEF Dear all, Please find below copy of the email we have just sent to our PO with the very last version (this time hopefully final) of the amendment of the FI-Core DoW. Attacched you will find the spreadsheet that summarizes the reallocation of efforts/funding. The DoW document, with all changes marked, can be downloaded from: There are not that many changes compared to the version we distributed last time. Indeed, you can check that changes in the "Summary of Changes" section, which contains the description of the core of changes, is almost the same. Major changes can be summarized as follows: * We have added as beneficiary that will deal with payments of bounties in the bounty programme. The bounty programme is a programme we will launch targeted to estimulate contributions to FIWARE from external developers. It will allow to define small bounties (hundreds of euros) to give away to developers in return for assuming specific tasks we will announce as ready for contributions. * Distribution of funding among Orange, AtoS and Engineering to carry out QA activities has been clarified and therefore we have captured it. * We have transferred additional 60 K€ to Ogilvy for handling of events sponsorship. We also assigned some additional funding to Admino in order to cover expenses of travels to several events where we are showing demos of Web UI components * We have tried to bring most of the updates you have requested to us, regarding description of Chapters and Chapter WP activities. * We have solved quite a number of inconsistencies we had identified. Unfortunately, the last two bullet points meant a lot of work (much more than we thought). That's why it has taken longer time than expected initially. There will be a second amendment soon, which will be focused on adding the new beneficiaries selected as a result of the FIWARE Lab Open Call. That would give us another window to introduce some additional changes if appropriate. We expect a quick approval of the DoW so the NEF session can be submitted in the coming days. Best regards, -- Juanjo ______________________________________________________ Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica email: juanjose.hierro at<mailto:juanjose.hierro at> twitter: @JuanjoHierro You can follow FIWARE at: website: twitter: @FIWARE facebook: linkedIn: -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Final version of FI-Core DoW ready for submission on NEF Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 14:32:43 +0100 From: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at><mailto:juanjose.hierro at> To: Ragnar.Bergstrom at<mailto:Ragnar.Bergstrom at> <Ragnar.Bergstrom at><mailto:Ragnar.Bergstrom at> CC: 'JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ' <javier.depedrosanchez at><mailto:javier.depedrosanchez at>, subsidies at<mailto:subsidies at> <subsidies at><mailto:subsidies at>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at><mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at>, Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at><mailto:juanjose.hierro at> Dear Ragnar, I would appreciate it if you can acknowledge reception of this email. I’m glad to send you the updated DoW of FI-Core project regarding its first amendment. Please find attached two documents: * DoW: “FI-Core - DoW amendment 1 - 15-10-09 v1.27.xdoc” You can download the document using this link: This document contains all the changes we have been discussing so far. Changes with respect to the version we exchanged before Christmas, are mostly related to the update of the description of several WPs (in some case giving response to questions made in the first review) and fixing several inconsistencies. Actually, if you check the "Summary of Changes" section, you will realize there are few changes there. We have added as a partner dealing with management of the bounty programme. Besides, the actual distribution of the funding devoted to QA activities among the partners has been implemented (in previous exchanged versions, we had assigned the funding to Telefónica I+D as coordinator). We also decided to transfer some funding to Ogilvy in order to deal with the sponsorship of the ECFI-4 event. This information will be uploaded to NEF as soon as it has been approved by you. * Budget: “FI-Core - Budget - Amendment 1 - aligned with DoW v1.26 - v46.xlsx” This spreadsheet is composed by: * “FI-Core A3” sheet: It is a summary by beneficiaries (including theirs third parties) of their budgets. This sheet is calculated using the rest of the sheets of the file. These data have been updated to NEF already. * “Effort” sheet: This sheet shows the breakdown of the effort, partner by partner, WP by WP, task by task. This table has been included in the DoW, “B1.3.12 Summary of staff effort” section. * Particularized sheet of a partner (labeled with the short name of the beneficiary): These sheets show the changes of each partner in the amendment. Mainly, they have been structured in three tables: * Activities to be stopped: Following the outcome of the previous review. * Activities to be funded: Following the outcome of the previous review. * Changes were already planned and approved by the coordinator at the beginning of the project: These changes were not discussed in the last review due to that they were planned before. * “Friendly Testing” sheet: It shows the summary by partner of the reduction of overall personnel budget of WP1.1, WP1.2, WP1.3, WP1.4, WP1.5, WP1.6, WP1.7, WP1.8 & WP2.1. This amendment was discussed in a General Assembly celebrated on Mid October 2015, and several changes were added afterwards due to revision of the description of WPs by the partners. Now we have a DoW which is more aligned with the work under way. Please let us know if you have any question. Unfortunately, I have to kindly ask you to review it as soon as possible because this would activate transfer of some funds which are crucial to launch some activities (e.g., bounty programme), deal with payments of the Press Office or give continuity to some activities several partners started in good faith that the amendment had arrive earlier. We know this was mostly on our side and then it is a bit unfair to ask you to respond as quickly as possible. I apologize for the delay in sending this final DoW, but there were many details we wanted to fix and partners wanted to see fixed in the description of activities. Cheers, -- Juanjo ______________________________________________________ Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica email: juanjose.hierro at<mailto:juanjose.hierro at> twitter: @JuanjoHierro You can follow FIWARE at: website: twitter: @FIWARE facebook: linkedIn: ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. 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