[Fiware-acceleration-help] Mediator

Olaf-Gerd Gemein oggemein at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 27 17:40:31 CET 2014

Hello Yvo,

thanks for this question.
You have very specific technical questions, which can be answered best by
the Juanjo, or perhaps as well by Nurio, which i put cc nín this email.

@Nuria, Juanjo: pls can you provide relevant answers to this potential

Good Luck for your application!

2014-10-27 16:01 GMT+01:00 Yvo Alen <yvo.alen at devigncommerce.com>:

>  Dear,
> I'm a bit confused for the moment.
> WSO2 carbon product stack is really great and is used several times in FI:
> http://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.ArchitectureDescription.Apps.Mediator
> Telecom Italia: it seems to be a bit closed and for sure not up-to-date.
> This is not part of any GE.
> https://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Mediator_GE_Open_RESTful_API_Specification_(PRELIMINARY)
> It's a specific enabler:
> http://catalogue.fi-star.eu/enablers/mediation-service/documentation
> and even Fitman:
> But I would like to base my Cloud Based Integation project on this within
> the Fi-ware accelerator programme.
> Can anyone explain me if and how I could use it?
> Best regards,
> Yvo Alen
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Olaf-Gerd Gemein

Speed UP! Europe FIWARE Accelerator
Holtenauerstrasse 325
D-24106 Kiel

*businesscamps.de <http://businesscamps.de>*
*speedupeurope.eu <http://speedupeurope.eu>*


+49 (431) 220 26 47 - office
+49 (176) - 540 50 471 mobil
oggemein at googlemail.com - mail
olafgerd.gemein at businesscamps.de
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