[Fiware-acceleration-help] Fiware Accelerate

imelda badescu imelda.badescu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 14:21:20 CEST 2015

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you in order to ask for some details about Fiware
Accelerate Programme. We are really interested in taking part in the
programme, but we are in need of more information.

Firstly, I would like to introduce our company that has been in business
for about 3 years. www.10plus.org <http://www.10plus.org/>  is a Romanian
e-learning company that provides education services to all age and social
groups. What makes us different from our counterparts is the fact that we
set up only live sessions, the students being permanently connected to the
teacher during the class, and we only work with small groups (no more than
3 students). This type of business is almost unique in Romania as the other
existing online courses are mainly recorded lectures. We would need funds
to improve technology infrastructure and to advertise our business locally
and internationally. We would like to add music courses too, but this
requires advanced technology.

Secondly, I would be grateful if you gave me more information about the
eligibility requirements for direct funding available for start-ups. Can
funds be used both for equipment and online advertising? From my research
on your website I noticed that support and networking are included in the
programme. Could you be more specific about that?

I  look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Imelda Badescu

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