Dear Edina, You can submit the same proposal to a maximum of 3 accelerators. However, you just can receive funding from one accelerator for a proposal. Thus, if your idea is awarded in one of the accelerators it can’t be funded by other accelerator. On the other hand, you can submit different ideas to different accelerators and receive funding for different ideas from different accelerators. For instance, you can apply to 4 accelerators with 4 different ideas and be funded by all of them. The maximum number of proposals that you can submit in each accelerator depends on each accelerator. For instance, in FI-C3 Accelerator (where I belong) just 1 single submission for SME is allowed; just 1 proposal by SME can be submitted. As I said before, that rule may change depending on each accelerator. I hope it was helpful. Best regards, [cid:image003.png at 01D03FA9.9EA571D0] Ciro Acedo Boria Cluster ICT · Audiovisual R&D Project Manager ciro.acedo at<mailto:ciro.acedo at> José Abascal, 56 - 3ª ● 28003 Madrid Tel: +34 913 997 583 - Fax: +34 914 414 155 <> De: fiware-acceleration-help-bounces at [mailto:fiware-acceleration-help-bounces at] En nombre de Kuntner Edina Enviado el: martes, 03 de febrero de 2015 11:38 Para: fiware-acceleration-help at Asunto: [Fiware-acceleration-help] fiware project calls Dear Sir/Madam, Our Company (in Hungary) has multiple projects and project ideas which we’d like to implement using FIWARE technology. We saw the accelerators, and we found some of them which are appropriate for us. We would like to enquire about the following: - How many project can we propose in the accelerators? - How many winning projects can we have on different accelerators. I thank you in advance for your help. Yours faithfully, Edina, Kuntner Project Administrator Synthesis-Net LLC. 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