[Fiware-acceleration-help] [FI-Guardian] FIWARE Acceleration Program

Marcos Marinho Marconi marconibox at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 23:43:10 CET 2015

Dear FIWARE Acceleration Program Organisation Members,

     My name is Marcos Marconi, coordinator and chief architect of
FI-Guardian project from Brazil.
     Last year FI-Guardian won the first prize of FIWARE Smart Cities
Challenge and it was also one of the winners of FIWARE Excellence Challenge.
     We are truly committed to the use of FIWARE technology and the
improvement of FI-Guardian project.
     At this time we are trying to raise funding to let us consolidate the
tool to the market.
     We have some information about FIWARE Acceleration program and we are
aware it is only opened for european companies.

     So, we are discussing the possibilities of opening a company in Europe
in order to apply for this important program.
     For sure, we wouldn´t like to lose this moment of FIWARE Project.
     Consider that all financial resources we would get from this program
would be exclusively used to manage European resources acquired in Europe,
such as professionals and services.

     The question is:  Is it acceptable ?

     Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Marcos Marconi
FI-Guardian Project
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