[Fiware-acceleration-help] 2nd call of FI-ADOPT

Hugo Magalhaes hugo.mag at helppier.com
Mon Jan 26 09:45:53 CET 2015

Dear all,

We are participating in the 2nd call of FI-ADOPT and would like to ask for your clarification in the points below:
In point 3.5 Personnel description, in case of SMEs do we need to describe only people that work in the company that the time of the application?

3.7 Budget and cost justification - is there any reference to the recommended hourly rates? Is there any relation to the current salary of the person? For startups and SMEs this can be a problem because many entrepreneurs don’t have a salary, yet.

In case there is no intention of usage of 2.2       FI-PPP Use Cases Technology, will this be detrimental to the proposal?

In point 2.3 Testing and Validation plans there is a reference to FI-PPP facilities. Can you please clarify we can we find more information about this?

Thank you very much for your support.Best regards,
Hugo Magalhães

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