[Fiware-acceleration-help] Querry regarding eligibility

Nuno Varandas (gmail) nvarandas.nv at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 11:34:06 CET 2015

Hi Petros,
Swiss companies are welcome to fiware programme.


Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse brevity and tpyos.
Em 02/03/2015 09:35, "Petros Maragkoudakis" <petros at fitaborate.com>

> Dear FIWARE members,
> We are a Swiss based company emaginal AG building fitaborate
> <http://www.fitaborate.com/> an innovating fitness platform aiming to
> change the way people make home workouts. Our strength is the social aspect
> of our platform being able to invite friends and workout with them as long
> as the integration with wearable devices that provide live data on your
> screen.
> We are working with a Swiss university in a prototype for another quite
> ambitious technology project in the fitness and e-health area and we
> believe that we can bring it within the FIWARE framework. We are interested
> to know if we are eligible *as a Swiss entity* to apply for the FIWARE
> accelerator program so that we can continue with the integration research,
> the planning and the application for the program.
> Best Regards,
> *Petros Maragkoudakis*
> Founder & CTO
> [image:
> https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/s9N6SWgbepv9SBbx_DTdYOxDmKEsQe20PKdsZ2VDAyGkL6L7bJSq0CO32CGOrQSTsP1H91oS3NY3QouK-Tr_2_2-8ivfNPXvH0trVZQvL7HUIw=s0-d-e1-ft#http://api.fitaborate.com/welcome/images/fitaborate_logo.png]
>  by emaginal AG
> mail: petros at fitaborate.com | petros at emaginal.com
> M  +41786644377
> [image:
> http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/limav/flat-gradient-social/16/Skype-icon.png]
>  km-petros.maragkoudakis
> web: www.fitaborate.com, www.emaginal.com
> *Linkedin:* *ch.linkedin.com/in/maragkoudakis/
> <http://ch.linkedin.com/in/maragkoudakis/>*
> [image:
> https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/sdU5HN2mQT1ZwyGAgQvAtIM9iiuYj30fqcmWKcLAg4PslX4p_FwILcU3uAQEkqRhCKK2xZaqX3mFe8oD2Slr9j_XyJXzeRr2BCxa=s0-d-e1-ft#http://api.fitaborate.com/welcome/images/facebook.png]
> <https://www.facebook.com/fitaborate>  [image:
> https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dJMXZHN5WjuyhKCsldQo_C2stEjTjPYZSyjpyWBSqzS6O0gWCCoP4Bnmz_CeDZQueJfO4qcH_tPvllF5ugk-WTnRTIAnzVXbT-Y=s0-d-e1-ft#http://api.fitaborate.com/welcome/images/twitter.png]
> <https://twitter.com/fitaborate>
> Join our beta! <http://www.fitaborate.com/>
> _______________________________________________
> Fiware-acceleration-help mailing list
> Fiware-acceleration-help at lists.fi-ware.org
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