[Fiware-acceleration-help] EIP-AGRI seminar

FP7 FRACTALS no_reply at fractals-fp7.com
Mon Mar 14 23:15:31 CET 2016

The European Commission is organizing a two-day EIP-AGRI seminar on the theme ‘Data revolution: emerging new business models in the agri-food
sector’. It will take place on 22-23 June 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and they look for participants!

Farmers, foresters, advisers, researchers, (ict-)entrepreneurs, innovators, and anyone who may have relevant experience and/or ideas exploring the new
opportunities offered by the data revolution within the agri-food sector are invited to apply for participation in the seminar. Here is the call for
potential participants: https://ec.europa.eu/eip/agriculture/en/Seminar_Data_Revolution


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