[Fiware-acceleration-help] Presentation of the European Report on Incubators/accelerators

SIM - Social Innovation Monitor sim at polito.it
Mon Oct 12 08:05:40 CEST 2020


Data from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK

The webinar is free for partners and incubators/accelerators  who responded to the survey in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK.

The others interested in the reports and/or the webinar are asked to contribute to the research as detailed in the registration form  (below).

Registration is open until capacity is reached.

OCT 20 || 5PM (CEST) || ONLINE

Program of the webinar:

Introduction: Prof. Paolo Landoni

Presentation of the European Incubators/accelerators: Fabrizio Core and Giuliano Sansone

Round table:  Italia Startup Association, Spanish Startups Association, German Startups Association, La Boussole des Entrepreneurs, UKSPA.

Moderator:  Gareth Trainer - EEUK

Conclusion:  Prof. Paolo Landoni

Total time of the webinar: 1 hour and 15 minutes
<<REGISTRATION FORM>> [https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/report-on-european-incubators]

The Reports will be available from the day after the event.

For further information please reach us

at sim at polito.it [ sim at polito.it]

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