[Fiware-administrative] FI-WARE: Opening NEF for Cost Reporting FS2

Tue Jun 11 15:19:56 CEST 2013

Dear Andreas, NEF session to reporting period will be opened by the Commission after the approval of the current amendment 5 where 13 new future partners from Open Call #2 and #3 will be included in the consortium. We are working on it.

NEF tool is not able to be opened to both issues.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: fiware-administrative-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-administrative-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] En nombre de Metzger, Andreas
Enviado el: martes, 11 de junio de 2013 15:14
Para: MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO; fiware-administrative at lists.fi-ware.eu
CC: insa.noelle at uni-due.de
Asunto: [Fiware-administrative] FI-WARE: Opening NEF for Cost Reporting FS2

Dear Miguel,

Would it be possible to soon open the NEF session for FS2 for FI-WARE?

It would be very much appreciated, as otherwise we might face some delays due to absences at our administrative side in the next weeks.

Thanks a million and best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Metzger
Head of Adaptive Systems and Future Internet Applications Paluno (The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology) * University of Duisburg-Essen Gerlingstraße 16 * 45127 Essen * Germany * callto:+49-201-183-4650 * fax:+49-201-183-4699 mailto:andreas.metzger at paluno.uni-due.de * http://www.sse.uni-due.de * http://www.paluno.eu * VAT-Nr. DE811272995

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