[Fiware-administrative] FI-WARE: About amendment 3

Fri Mar 1 15:12:54 CET 2013

Dear all, today we have received the approval of the updated DoW with the addition of new partners from Open Call 1.

Please find enclosed the document downloaded from NEF: http://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/1895/DOW+FI-WARE+%28285248%29+2013-03-01.pdf

We are in the last step of the signature process of the contractual documentation, so we expect that the amendment 3 will be approved in the following days.

Thank you very much for your contribution, and I kindly ask you to following with your contribution in the new amendment 4 which will include the pending changes. I'll generate a new version from this one and I'll send it to you next week for your review.




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