[Fiware-administrative] FI-WARE: FORM-C-2: Commission's remarks (to be clarified by e-mail)

Fri Oct 4 10:05:12 CEST 2013

Dear all.
As you know we submitted the session NEF of reporting period of the second period of the FI-WARE Project.
Please find enclosed the remarks of the Commission:

Beneficiary 4 : IBM Research : Please note that there is an adjustment of period 2 in Period 2, which is not correct. It is probably an adjustment related to Period 1 done in Period 2. Please ask the Beneficiary to correct in NEF.
Beneficiary 4 IBM Research : Please note that in the Adjustments explanations , we could not find the explanation of IBM research. We noticed that the amount represent the amount previously rejected. Please confirm.

Beneficiary 5 : Thales Communications & Security SAS : According to the Form C there is a CFS provided but no CFS is attached in NEF. Please note that the CFS is required for this period as the EC requested contribution is above 375.000 €
Thales Services SAS : Please note that a CFS is required for this period covering period 1 and 2, without CFS the costs would be rejected. No CFS are attached in NEF.
Beneficiary 5 Thales Communications & Security SAS :
Please note that in previous period, 122.579 € were rejected + 63.147 € of indirect costs in total 185.726 €. Could you please explain where comes the figures of 109.155 € in personnel and 113.586 € in indirect costs ? The total adjustment is 222.139 € to compare with the 185.726 € rejected previously.
Beneficiary 5 Thales Services SAS - Adjustments  : We have noticed that you have submitted the same amount as the one which were rejected in period 1.
Beneficiary 5 Thales Alenia Space France : We have noticed that you have not submitted the amount rejected in the previous period : 32.229 € of personnel costs and 22.396 € of Indirect costs.
Could you please confirm that you will not claimed those costs ?

Beneficiary 6 Telecom Italia : Please note that a CFS is required for this period covering period 1 and 2, without CFS the costs would be rejected. No CFS are attached in NEF.
Beneficiary 8 Nokia Siemens Networks Gmbh :
Please  provide an e-mail from the Beneficiary that no costs will be claimed for the 01/05/2012 to 04/05/2012 (date of termination of the participation of the Beneficiary in the project).

Beneficiary 9 Nokia Siemens HU : Could you please confirm that it is usual accounting practice to charge Courier Services as direct costs ? Normally those costs are included in the indirect costs?
Beneficiary 9 Nokia Siemens Hungary : Could you please confirm that you do not request any adjustment for the costs previously rejected in Period 1 ? 90.547 € could have been resubmitted in Period 2 in adjustment of period 1.

Beneficiary 11 Deutsche Telekom AG : Please note that the DVI-D (36 €) and the USB (35 €) should be mentioned as consumables. Please note that those costs should be included in the overheads. Could you please confirm that it is usual accounting practice to charge those costs as direct costs ?
Technische Universitaet Berlin : Please note that you have a Special Transitional Flat rate of 60 % of indirect costs calculate on direct costs. Therefore the amount that should be claimed is 31.575 € instead of 31.238 € in indirect costs (52.063 +562 = 52.625 * 60/100 =31.575 €). Please correct the Form C.

Beneficiary 12 Technicolor R&D France SNC : Please note that a CFS is required for this period covering period 1 and 2, without CFS the costs would be rejected. No CFS are attached in NEF.
Please note that the adjustment claimed in the NEF session did not taken into account the rejected amount of period 1 which could have been accepted in Period 2. See comment in last period :
"Please note that a total of 395.177 € (including Third Party) may be resubmitted as adjustment in the next reporting period." Please clarify why it has not been done%.
Beneficiary 12 Technicolor R&D Paris : Please note that the Third party left the project on 31/12/2012. There should be a form C for the period from 01/05/2012 to the last date of participation in the project of the Third Party (please ask them to confirm that the costs mentioned on the Form C are from 01/05/2012 to 31/12/2012. Please note also that so costs were rejected for this Third party in period 1 and no adjustments are included in NEF. Could you please clarify this ?

Beneficiary 13 Ericsson AB : Please provide a letter stated that the costs charged in the Form Cs are until 23/01/2013 (date of termination of the participation of Ericsson in the project)  and not 30/04/2013 as mentioned in the Form C.
Please note that in the previous period an amount of 260.609 € have been rejected and could have been resubmitted in period 2 as an adjustment of previous period. Could you please clarify why it has not been done ?

Beneficiary 14  ATOS
Please provide in a separate excel sheet a breakdown of travel per Travel, person, dates, place, purpose and Amount.
Could you please explain the calculation of the adjustments ? In total an amount of 204.214 € could be resubmitted during this period as adjustment of period 1. Could you please explain where comes the difference ? (real personnel rates). Please note that in the Form C the total costs is 215.190 € but in the page 19/37 of the adjustments explanations the amount is 216.190 € ? Could you please correct ?

Please note that 68.383 € rejected in Period 1, could have been resubmitted in Period 2 as adjustment of period 1. Could you please clarify why those costs were not resubmitted ?

Beneficiary 19 INTEL IRELAND :
Please note that 133.979 € (total include costs of the third party) could have been resubmitted in Period 2 of costs rejected in period 1. Could you please clarify why those costs are not re-submitted ?
We have noticed that INTEL GMBH does not request EC funding, could you please confirm this ?
In case they want to submit costs, please note that the third party INTEL GMBH start his participation from the 01/01/2013 to 30/04/2013 for the reporting period 2, could you please ask a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C are only from and until that dates ?

Beneficiary 24 Universitaet Duisburg : Please provide a clarification of 20 € in other direct costs ?
Please confirm that those costs are charged in direct costs in your usual accounting practices and not already included in the flat rate of 60 % of indirect costs.

Beneficiary 27 Entidad Publica Empresarial Red
Could you please provide a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C of RP2 are from 01/06/2012 to 30/04/2013 ?

Beneficiary 28 ZHAW :
Could you please provide a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C of RP2 are from 01/11/2012 to 30/04/2013 ?

Beneficiary 29 DFKI :
Could you please provide a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C of RP2 are from 01/11/2012 to 30/04/2013 ?

Beneficiary 30 USAAR-CISPA
Could you please provide a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C of RP2 are from 01/11/2012 to 30/04/2013 ?

Beneficiary 31 EPROS :
Could you please provide a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C of RP2 are from 01/11/2012 to 30/04/2013 ?

Beneficiary 32 iMinds :
Could you please provide a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C of RP2 are from 01/02/2013 to 30/04/2013 ?

Beneficiary 33 NSNG1 :
Could you please provide a written confirmation that the costs charged in the Form C of RP2 are from 05/05/2012 to 30/04/2013 ?

I kindly ask you to provide the requested clarifications by e-mail as soon as possible (please send an e-mail to subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es>)

Thank you in advance.


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