[Fiware-apps] Agile: Sprint 4.2.2 - Retrospective

MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
Mon Mar 23 11:59:59 CET 2015

Dear Partners,

Let me share with you the retrospective drawn from feedback received during sprint 4.2.2

Global Retrospective for Sprint 4.2.2

  *   Catalogue - The new version of the catalogue with the new functionalities (GE support channels, GE tag support, advanced search, updated look&feel) has been completed and validated in the development environment. Completed domain migration to fiware.orgGood progress with the individual GEs.
  *   Data - New team for Cloud Messaging GE has become involved on weekly meetings and on Jira processes to follow.
  *   I2ND - The development activity of all GEs (except one) during sprint 4.2.2 went on in accordance with the technical roadmap
  *   Ops - In this sprint we have improved the development activities (see Dashboard and Deploy) and we started to analysing and testing the integration of a first external tool (DNSaaS) in Toolkit.
  *   Cloud - Most GEs and tasks on track. Giving priority to bug fixing and performance improvements, to improve FIWARE Lab user experience.


  *   We found very useful the new features on the backlog site, especially those to identify and understand mistakes for GE owners.
  *   Backlog Dashboards and Review tabs per GE are found very useful by the chapter members for checking high-level status and blockers at a glance.
  *   JIRA was again perceived as very positive. Response time to tickets posted to the LAB project was good. Overall it was perceived that communication across chapters, in particular with LAB and helpdesk, was easier and more efficient by using JIRA
  *   The backlog summary page was found to be very helpful. It offered an even better overview than the JIRA ticket filters and roadmap overviews and was very helpful for sprint planning, checking ticket status during the sprint, and for creating the roadmap document from the JIRA issues.
  *   Sprint planning and closing support by Manuel in the respective meetings, and explanations on ticket naming guidelines and ticket creation general was very helpful
  *   The enhancements to the Backlog site are very useful (per-chapter views, etc)


  *   Also the communication of partners within the chapter was perceived to be very good. Response time on the mailing list or to individual emails was mostly very short, and occurring problems could also be addressed in the weekly meetings.


  *   Issues in FI-Lab still exist. There seems to be no quick or stable solution to them, and issues differ between different FI-Lab nodes. Especially the second point is very time consuming, as it needs several attempts to find out which features are currently working or not working on which FI-Lab nodes. significant process, but is not visible as result, because the infrastructure to which the results should be published - FI-Lab or Blueprint Catalogue - are not accessible or not working properly
  *   The work on the architecture deliverable was much more challenging than necessary due to lack of scripts that produce Word doc from the wiki
  *   Availability of hardware resources for integration purposes is likely to become a serious issue going forward
  *   We are delayed on Glance management tool integration in Toolkit. Furthermore I think that we could re-use the work done in XIFI with http://fi-health.lab.fi-ware.eu/ also within FICORE (FIHEALTH component).
  *   Transition of ownership of Object Storage GE created some issues (in particular, since Intel is not in FI-Core). Need to upgrade FIWARE Lab deployments to the latest release (supported by IBM).


  *   The process required for deploying new GEs, images, recipes, blueprints for FIWARE Lab is not clearly documented (or well understood) and requires. micromanagement and specific help from the Cloud team.


  *   Still weaknesses to properly use the Agile methodology emerge in several cases (e.g. issues not managed)
  *   Progress updates in Jira are not as frequent as they should be, in some cases.


  *   Blockers for some GE owners (information required, pending requests sent by email etc) should be reflected in Jira so that they can be tracked and act upon to reduce waiting time.



IOT and SEC don't provide input for the retrospective
Missing Retrospective from some GE Owners in some chapters

Let me a comment on communication:

Regarding communication, let me emphasize the availability of the urgent section in the backlog website, which draw issues across all chapters under certain conditions:
Overdue - issues that already met its deadline. http://backlog.fiware.org/urgent/overdue
Blockers - issues labelled with the highest priority: Blocker and its corresponded impeded issues. http://backlog.fiware.org/urgent/blockers
Aged - issues which you may have forgotten. http://backlog.fiware.org/urgent/aged

Kind regards,

Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
FI-WARE Initiative
Telefónica Digital
Parque Tecnológico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72
Fax: +34.983.36.75.64


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