[Fiware-apps] R: About the weekly conf call

Javier Soriano jsoriano at fi.upm.es
Thu May 21 01:16:39 CEST 2015

Hi all,

I just noticed that this thread of conversation has taken place in "
fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu" instead of using "
fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org", so I am sending this email to the right
list just to avoid that we continue using the wrong list because of this
exchange... which has been my fault. Sorry for that... and be careful with
the suggestions made by gmail :-)

Best regards,

2015-05-19 23:40 GMT+02:00 Javier Soriano <jsoriano at fi.upm.es>:

> Hi Monica,
> If I'm not wrong, the next "live demos call" is scheduled for tomorrow at
> the same time :-(
> BR,
> Javier
> 2015-05-19 23:19 GMT+02:00 francesm <francesm at eng.it>:
>> Hi guys,
>> sorry for the delay!It is confirmed for Thursday at 10 ...but I'll send
>> you the proper email!
>> Cheers,
>> Monica
>> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>> -------- Messaggio originale --------
>> Da: Javier Soriano <jsoriano at fi.upm.es>
>> Data: 19/05/2015 19:11 (GMT+01:00)
>> A: fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu
>> Oggetto: [Fiware-apps] About the weekly conf call
>> Hi Monica,
>> Despite you ask me to change the weekly conf call to this Thursday, you
>> haven't sent a confirmation with the new hour for that call. Does this mean
>> that you have cancelled it? Apart from this, tomorrow we will meet Davide
>> and your colleges from FINESCE from 14:00 to 18:00 to discuss about the
>> demo. Maybe this is the reason why you are canceling the weekly conf call,
>> but it is not clear to us.
>> Best,
>> Javier
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