[Fiware-apps] wstore instance for FIWARE Live Demo

Francisco de la Vega fdelavega at conwet.com
Thu Feb 11 12:51:26 CET 2016

Hi Davide,

No problem.

Best regards,

2016-02-11 12:49 GMT+01:00 Davide Zerbetto <davide.zerbetto at eng.it>:

> Hi guys
> do you remember the wstore instance we created for FIWARE Live Demo?
> We would like to make some tests with the context broker, but we need to
> assign the public IP to the context broker, and remove that from the wstore
> instance.
> Is there any problem with you? are working on that?
> Best regards
> Davide
> --
> --
> *Davide Zerbetto*
> SpagoBI Consultant
> *SpagoBI Labs Engineering Group*
> Corso Stati Uniti, 23/C - 35127 Padua - Italy
> Phone: +39 049 8283411
> Fax: +39-049.8700272
> www.spagobi.org - www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it/web/eng_en/home>
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