[Fiware-apps] Weekly call

Javier Soriano jsoriano at fi.upm.es
Tue Mar 8 09:37:24 CET 2016

Ok. No problem. Let's have a first discussion today with Alessandro and
schedule other meeting if needed.

Best regards,

2016-03-08 9:31 GMT+01:00 Davide Zerbetto <davide.zerbetto at eng.it>:

> Hi all
> I'm sorry, I'll be not able to join the meeting today due to urgent tasks.
> Alessandro will present you our idea about "Analytical widget", but of
> course we can schedule other meetings.
> Best regards
> Davide
> Il 08/03/2016 09:11, Javier Soriano ha scritto:
> Hi Davide,
> Sorry for my late response. Yesterday was holiday here in UPM (patron
> saint’s day). I agree: we can discuss this after the meeting with Manuel,
> till 11:30 or 11:45.
> See you in less than an hour ;-)
> Javier
> 2016-03-04 11:32 GMT+01:00 Davide Zerbetto <davide.zerbetto at eng.it>:
>> Hi Javier
>> Nevertheless, if I'm not wrong you are already working on feeding CKAN
>> with datasets coming from your analysis.
>> actually it is the other way, i.e. we enbable users to perform analyses
>> retrieving data from CKAN datasets. At the time being, SpagoBI is not able
>> to publish datasets on CKAN (but this could be a "nice to have" indeed,
>> maybe).
>> The idea of my boss is: of course SpagoBI can be considered as a data
>> provider, but this is not its main goal, and also there are other solutions
>> for this purpose. We prefer to concentrate efforts on visualization
>> capabilities.
>> Ok for having a meeting on this next Tuesday, I'll show you what I meant.
>> Since the meeting at 11.00 was already confirmed, maybe we will have
>> difficulties moving the meeting into another time slot, so I suggest to
>> have the meeting with Manuel at 10.00-11.00 as usual, and having our
>> discussion before (starting at 9.30) and/or after (till 11.30). In case the
>> time is not enough, we can also schedule another meeting. Is that ok with
>> you?
>> BR
>> Davide
>> Il 04/03/2016 11:01, Javier Soriano ha scritto:
>> Hi Davide,
>> You say that your boss is not convinced about the real benefit of using
>> SpagoBI as a data provider. Nevertheless, if I'm not wrong you are already
>> working on feeding CKAN with datasets coming from your analysis. In this
>> way Wirecloud could consume these datasets (or the REST API providing the
>> data) the same way it is already consuming other CKAN datasets to create
>> visualization dashboards. I think that it could be worth to analyze this
>> scenario.
>> Apart from this, we do not know what do you mean when you say:
>> 3. will specify how to feed the "Analytic widget" using wiring or
>> operators, if this makes sense (Wirecloud will send data to the
>> SpagoBI-based widget);
>> 4. will use it to graphically design a chart or table or crosstable (or
>> any other widget that makes sense with analytics).
>> Does it make sense for you? is this something that you already have?
>> :-(
>> Can you please further elaborate on this idea? what is exactly the
>> purpose of such "analytic widget"? what kind of data will send Wirecloud to
>> the SpagoBI-based widget (i.e. the analytic widget if I am not wrong)? what
>> do you mean when you say that the user will use it (the analytic widget?)
>> to graphically design a chart...?
>> I think that we need to arrange a slot to discuss this next Tuesday. Both
>> Alvaro and myself will need to leave at 11:30, so maybe it is worth to ask
>> Manuel to start the planning meeting after this discussion (e.g. at 11:00).
>> Can you please ask Manuel if he is fine with this?
>> Best regards,
>> Javier
>> 2016-03-01 16:47 GMT+01:00 Davide Zerbetto < <davide.zerbetto at eng.it>
>> davide.zerbetto at eng.it>:
>>> Hi all
>>> I had a discussion with my boss regarding integration between Wirecloud
>>> and SpagoBI. She is not convinced about the real benefit of using SpagoBI
>>> as a data provider; maybe it is not worth implementing widgets in this
>>> approach, since this may be complicated and hard to maintain (the developer
>>> has to create objects in SpagoBI and then other objects in Wirecloud
>>> referencing those in SpagoBI), while providing very low added value to both
>>> SpagoBI and Wirecloud.
>>> She proposed another scenario, that is aligned with the previous DoW
>>> ("Data Visualisation and Analysis widgets"), I don't know if this is
>>> something that you already have or not, let's discuss: we can develop
>>> widgets that permits the users to build charts, tables and crosstables in
>>> self service modality: when creating a mashup, the user
>>> 1. will look for an "Analytic widget" (the one we have to develop)
>>> within the available widgets;
>>> 2. will include that widget within the mashup;
>>> 3. will specify how to feed the "Analytic widget" using wiring or
>>> operators, if this makes sense (Wirecloud will send data to the
>>> SpagoBI-based widget);
>>> 4. will use it to graphically design a chart or table or crosstable (or
>>> any other widget that makes sense with analytics).
>>> Does it make sense for you? is this something that you already have?
>>> If you want, we can schedule a meeting on this topic.
>>> Best regards
>>> Davide
>>> Il 01/03/2016 09:40, Davide Zerbetto ha scritto:
>>> Hi all
>>> I was not able to discuss with my boss regarding the API for executing
>>> the documents with XML or JSON format, I have a call with her this
>>> afternoon.
>>> I think we can skip the meeting; I'll write you by email our ideas.
>>> Is that ok with you? do you have anything special to discuss?
>>> Does Javier agree with the scenarios we discovered during our last call?
>>> BR
>>> Davide
>>> Il 26/02/2016 15:16, Alessandro Portosa ha scritto:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I won't be able to partecipate to our weekly chapter call for the next
>>> week.
>>> Please let me know if you need to discuss about anything, otherwise I
>>> would cancel it for this time.
>>> --
>>> --
>>> *Alessandro Portosa*
>>> SpagoBI Consultant
>>> *SpagoBI Labs Engineering Group*
>>> Via Marconi, 10 - 40125 Bologna - Italy
>>> Tel. + 39 051 0435090 <%2B%2039%20051%200435090>
>>> Skype: alessandro.portosa
>>> <http://www.spagobi.org>www.spagobi.org -
>>> <http://www.eng.it/web/eng_en/home>www.eng.it
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>>> Fiware-apps mailing listFiware-apps at lists.fiware.orghttps://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-apps
>>> --
>>> --
>>> *Davide Zerbetto*
>>> SpagoBI Consultant
>>> *SpagoBI Labs Engineering Group*
>>> Corso Stati Uniti, 23/C - 35127 Padua - Italy
>>> Phone: +39 049 8283411 <%2B39%20049%208283411>
>>> Fax: +39-049.8700272
>>> <http://www.spagobi.org>www.spagobi.org -
>>> <http://www.eng.it/web/eng_en/home>www.eng.it
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>>> Fiware-apps mailing listFiware-apps at lists.fiware.orghttps://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-apps
>>> --
>>> --
>>> *Davide Zerbetto*
>>> SpagoBI Consultant
>>> *SpagoBI Labs Engineering Group*
>>> Corso Stati Uniti, 23/C - 35127 Padua - Italy
>>> Phone: +39 049 8283411 <%2B39%20049%208283411>
>>> Fax: +39-049.8700272
>>> <http://www.spagobi.org>www.spagobi.org -
>>> <http://www.eng.it/web/eng_en/home>www.eng.it
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>> --
>> --
>> *Davide Zerbetto*
>> SpagoBI Consultant
>> *SpagoBI Labs Engineering Group*
>> Corso Stati Uniti, 23/C - 35127 Padua - Italy
>> Phone: +39 049 8283411
>> Fax: +39-049.8700272
>> www.spagobi.org - www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it/web/eng_en/home>
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>> Fiware-apps mailing list
>> Fiware-apps at lists.fiware.org
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> --
> --
> *Davide Zerbetto*
> SpagoBI Consultant
> *SpagoBI Labs Engineering Group*
> Corso Stati Uniti, 23/C - 35127 Padua - Italy
> Phone: +39 049 8283411
> Fax: +39-049.8700272
> www.spagobi.org - www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it/web/eng_en/home>
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> Fiware-apps mailing list
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