[Fiware-associate-member] FIWARE Smart Cities showcases program: bringing your story in front of relevant audiences, including the G20

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Tue Jun 4 07:26:43 CEST 2019

Dear FIWARE believers!

   As follow up of our previous message sent mid May, attached for your 
convenience, *we invite those organizations willing to contribute a 
concrete showcase to the FIWARE Smart Cities showcase program, to 
complete the **application form 
<https://forms.gle/Vt8ErWuaEMLfZCpPA>**that has been created for that 

*The FIWARE Smart Cities showcase program intends to build a portfolio 
of showcases illustrating the value proposition of FIWARE for Smart 
Cities*.  These showcases are expected to illustrate the benefits of 
adopting the core standards that FIWARE brings for Smart Cities, 
enabling full interoperability, portability (replicability) and 
replaceability of solutions, while avoiding that cities get locked in a 
particular platform provider.  Some of them will also help to illustrate 
advanced concepts such as the evolution of Cities into platforms, 
enabling creation of innovative solutions by third parties using 
right-time context data and the development of a Data Economy.

*Showcases in the mentioned portfolio will be prioritized in the 
selection of showcases to bring to different events and fairs where 
FIWARE will have a presence*.  They will be also used in different 
FIWARE marketing activities.  Relevantly, the Smart Cities topic has 
become a major topic within the G20 and our ambition is to be able to 
position FIWARE in G20-related discussions, leveraging on the mentioned 

   A first event where we intend to bring first showcases linked to this 
program will be the Global City Team Challenge (GCTC) Expo 2019 
<https://pages.nist.gov/GCTC/event/gctc-expo-2019/> that will take place 
on July 10-12 in Washington.  An Action Cluster has been proposed by the 
FIWARE Foundation and linked to the FIWARE Smart Cities showcase 
program.  In addition, there will be a dedicated space for exhibition.  
Therefore, *those organizations willing to get involved in the GCTC Expo 
2019 as part of the Action Cluster and the exhibition are encouraged to 
fulfill the application form <https://forms.gle/Vt8ErWuaEMLfZCpPA> 
before end of this week*.

   Following this first event, there will be other events in which we 
would also bring showcases identified under this program.  You will be 
asked to indicate what events and fairs you will be interested to bring 
your showcases during 2019. *Those joining us in Washington will be 
given higher consideration* in this respect.

   Your proposal can be based on a solution which can be showcased 
completely stand-alone or can be showcased as part of the base showcase 
described in the presentation you can download here 
The base showcase is intending to showcase a number of benefits FIWARE 
can bring for smart cities, involving a large number of cities as part 
of the showcase (at least one city per G20 countries and beyond).

   Any questions or doubts?  Please send an email to 
fiware-smart-cities-showcases-info at lists.fiware.org

   Best regards,


Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 

On 14/05/2019 14:37, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
> Dear members of the FIWARE Foundation,
>   As you know, FIWARE isgrowing in adoption by cities around the globe 
> as we speak. *Three major achievements have consolidated the position 
> of FIWARE as open source initiative driving the definition of "de 
> facto" standards for Smart Cities, Communities and Territories*:
> **
>   * *
>     The European Comission (EC) ¡formally adopted FIWARE Context
>     Broker technology (the core of any"Powered by FIWARE" architecture
>     <https://www.fiware.org/developers/catalogue/>) asCEF Building
>     Block
>     <https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/Context+Broker>within
>     theirDigital CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) program
>     <https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/CEF+Digital+Home>.
>      This is particularly relevant because this means it will become a
>     technology the EC recommends Public Administration of European
>     Union (EU) member states (hence, also Smart Cities, Communities
>     and Territories) to adopt in order to foster development of
>     digital services which can be replicated (ported) across the EU.
>     This is becoming also relevant outside the EU because governments
>     perceive that the adoption of FIWARE is less risky, since a big
>     player like the EC has made a strategic bet on it.
>  *
>     FIWARE NGSI (the integration API supported by the FIWARE Context
>     Broker) is the basis of the NGSI-LD API specifications
>     <https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/CIM/001_099/004/01.01.01_60/gs_CIM004v010101p.pdf>published
>     by ETSI this year. This represents a major milestone since cities
>     can refer to an open specification supported by a reputed global
>     standardization body like ETSI in their Public Procurement processes.
>     * 
> **
>   * *TM Forum and the FIWARE Foundation launched theFront-runner Smart
>     Cities Collaboration Program
>     <https://www.tmforum.org/press-and-news/fiware-foundation-tm-forum-launch-front-runner-smart-cities-program/>last
>     year at the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona
>     which is targeted to provide a collaboration framework where
>     cities (and their technologies partners) can join efforts towards
>     definition of a "Powered by FIWARE" Reference Architecture for
>     Smart Cities as well as the definition of standard Common
>     Information Models compatible with FIWARE NGSI API. This set of
>     models start with the well-known suite of FIWARE Common
>     Information Models
>     <https://www.fiware.org/developers/data-models/>which have already
>     been defined by the FIWARE Foundation in collaboration with Cities
>     and have been adopted by multiple Cities. With TMForum we are also
>     developing the basis for the support of a Data Economy by Cities
>     and their transformation into platforms (City as a Platform).*
>   Going a step further, *we would like to complement and reinforce 
> these achievements through creation of a Smart City showcases program 
> focused on development of showcases* involving real cities and their 
> technology partners across the world.  Such showcases would proof how 
> applications developed for cities that have adopted FIWARE and 
> standard Common Information Models will more easily interoperate each 
> other and will be easier to replicate from one city to another, with 
> little adaptation effort.   We intend that some of these showcases 
> will work *with minimum one city of at least all the countries of the 
> G20* (we know we can do more than those in the G20).  Others will be 
> demonstrated at least with two different cities in two different 
> countries.
> *Ambition is that a selection of these showcases will be presented at 
> the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019, **November 19-21 in 
> Barcelona* *and will also help to position FIWARE within the context 
> of current conversations we are running with the World Economic Forum, 
> towards creation of a Global Smart City coalition*.   Relevantly, the 
> Smart Cities topic has become a major topic within the G20 so our 
> ambition is to be able to position FIWARE during G20-related 
> discussions and, leveraging on the mentioned showcases, be present at 
> the *G20 Summit taking place in 2020 in Riyadh*.
>   For this to happen, we need the active engagement of members of the 
> FIWARE Foundation in the program.  Although the FIWARE Foundation may 
> cover some costs, particularly related to presentation of the 
> showcases in relevant fairs, events and meetings, or creation of 
> certain marketing material, we understand this may mean some 
> investment on their side. However, since the ambition is that 
> development of showcases follow a driven-by-implementation approach, 
> we expect that your contribution can be connected and therefore 
> exploit synergies with activities you already have in place with real 
> cities, ideally solutions already in operation, otherwise at least pilots.
> **Some background about the discussion with the World Economic Forum 
> and the description of these Smart Cities showcases program as well as 
> initial details regarding the call for contributions is provided in 
> the presentation you can download using the following link 
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BaUOBpjMSCWgbBvzshBInZAOLNcvL5Is/view?usp=sharing>. 
>   Further details about the program and conditions to participate will 
> be given during the "Front-runner Smart Cities" workshop that will be 
> run on May 22, from 09:00am to 10:30am during our next FIWARE Summit, 
> May 21-22 in Genoa <https://www.fiware.org/summit/>.  Main reason is 
> that we expect that defined showcases will help to demonstrate the 
> power of already adopted FIWARE Common Information Models to  be 
> adopted within the initiative, as well as drive the adoption of new 
> models.
>   Look forward meeting you in Genoa!
>   Cheers,
> -- 
> Document
> Juanjo Hierro
> Chief Technology Officer
> juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
> www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
> Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 
> <https://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
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