*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Dear FIWARE Community, Here in Europe, where the FIWARE Foundation is based, autumn is in full swing, as are our activities for the last quarter of 2020. We are determined to end this unprecedented year with a bang and that is what we are working towards. Our last face-to-face event of 2020, Greencities in Málaga, has passed and it was great to see some familiar faces. We will continue to come together as a community, albeit online, to share our (Impact) Stories, to promote your activities, and to show the world just how much can be achieved with Open Source implementation and an international innovation-driven community. Without further ado, let's crack on with this month's FIWARE Marketing Round-up. Great Opportunities for You Here’s why your next event should be listed on smartcities.events Sneak Preview: Set to become the biggest event platform dedicated to open, sustainable and Smart Cities worldwide, *smartcities.events *will offer a year-round calendar and experience with affiliated promotion services for free. It will also run special theme weeks, such as the *Smart Cities Events Week *(16-20 November), 2020. Whether you’re a city creating a first Open Source solution, a company implementing innovative Smart City platforms or a standardisation body striving for harmonised data models, we cannot wait to promote your Smart Cities event via our local, regional and global networks. Smartcities.events - a collaborative initiative between FIWARE Foundation and FIWARE iHub Future City Foundation - *is launching in the next 48 hours*. Once the page is up and running, you can register all your events around Smart Cities, Smart Regions and Smart Destinations. REGISTER <http://smartcities.events> Your FIWARE Impact Story could be featured here We've just published two new *FIWARE Impact Stories *on "*Cycle routes and air quality monitoring with real citizen engagement"* about the *Snifferbike project*, a collaboration between *the province of Utrecht, Civity, SODAQ, and RIVM *and *"IoT, AI and Blockchain based platform improving livestock Farming"*. Whereas the first one focuses on how new technology, open data, and active user engagement contribute to healthier living environments, the latter showcases how Digitanimal and its role in the project Cattlechain, is increasing farm productivity, and animal welfare with a monitoring solution for beef cattle, based on a “powered by FIWARE” architecture that combines IoT wearables, AI algorithms, satellite images, blockchain technologies. Want to become a FIWARE Impact Story? Get in touch with Tonia Sapia <tonia.sapia at fiware.org> to make it happen! Want to be featured in our Newsletter, our Marketing Round-up Call and email, and be promoted all over social media? Then Charlotte Kotterman <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org> is the right person to reach out to. READ MORE <https://www.fiware.org/community/impact_stories/> Get involved with the upcoming FIWARE Domain DAYS During the upcoming months, we will continue to come to a computer screen near you with our successful *FIWARE Domain DAYS*! The events in October are practically a done deal but we have got plenty of domain-specific virtual experiences coming up for you to get involved in. Want to share your Smart Mobility use case, or present a specialist speech on Smart AgriFood? We are all ears. Please do not hesitate to contact the Marketing team with your proposal. We will then do our best to accommodate your thoughts and suggestions. The Domain DAYS aim to give visibility to key voices in different domains, and that includes you! get in touch <marketing at fiware.org> Upcoming FIWARE Domain DAYS *FIWARE* *Smart Cities DAY* *ed. 1* <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiware-smart-cities-day-tickets-123480482447> (22 October), *FIWARE* *Smart Cities DAY ed. 2* <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiware-smart-cities-day-edition-2-tickets-124279494313> (5 November), *FIWARE* *AgriFood DAY* (12 November), *FIWARE Industry DAY* <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiware-industry-day-tickets-122559335271> (26 November), and *Future Mobility DAY ed. 2* (3 December) Marketing Materials for You The FIWARE Marketing Materials Portal is up and running We have listened to your feedback and are, therefore, pleased to announce that the FIWARE Marketing Materials Portal is officially up and running, and waiting for you to check out all the materials that are available to you. The portal is *the *place to find *all the FIWARE materials you could possibly need* to promote your activities, accelerate your business, and showcase what the FIWARE Community is doing in different domains, as well as on a global scale. From sector-specific brochures to the Press Kit, and from Impact Stories to White Papers - it's all there at your fingertips! While you are there, have a look at our recently-updated *Press Kit* and *FIWARE* *Membership Brochure*. VIEW PORTAL <https://www.fiware.org/marketing-material/> Strategy Talk *Introducing our newly elected Board of Directors* It was great to "see" so many of you during the latest hybrid *General Assembly meeting*. Not only did we vote on some important points and presented what the FIWARE Foundation is doing and where we are headed, but we also introduced the newly elected Board of Directors (BoD), the body responsible for the overall strategic direction of the FIWARE Foundation. We are pleased with such a diverse board, covering 12 seats with representatives from four continents and various industries. Another fun fact is that for the first time, two end-users have joined the BoD: *Brigitte Lutz (City of Vienna)* and *Pierre Golz (City of Herne)*. A warm welcome to the newcomers. Here's to another great season together! mEET THE BOARD <https://www.fiware.org/foundation/board-of-directors/> *Calling all Gold Members: Join the bi-monthly Gold Members Call* Every second-month FIWARE Foundation hosts the *Gold Members Community Call*, the perfect opportunity for department heads and C-level management to come together to talk strategy in relation to FIWARE. In these calls, we discuss topics such as the technical roadmap, how we can expand the FIWARE market, how we can unlock new potential for Gold Members through projects, upcoming event opportunities, and much more. The invite for these calls gets sent out to all Gold Member representatives, but should you wish for us to send the invite to a particular person, please do not hesitate to fill in the following form <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFmgTqA4juLRVLXGyu3aAdFy9bfRh0_hIWZOiqDtygwQjj3Q/viewform&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1600271021141000&usg=AOvVaw2XHlSJs2wKiK-BOqXNzp_r>. We want to make sure you do not miss out on this *exclusive opportunity for Gold Members* to engage with fellow Gold Members, as well as to hear directly from the FIWARE Board of Officers about how to get the most out of your membership. The next call is scheduled for *October 21* at *15:00 (CEST)*. Fill out the form and join us there. fill in the form <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFmgTqA4juLRVLXGyu3aAdFy9bfRh0_hIWZOiqDtygwQjj3Q/viewform&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1600271021141000&usg=AOvVaw2XHlSJs2wKiK-BOqXNzp_r> Call to Action & Open Calls *Become a FIWARE Expert* Last month we ran the first edition of the *FIWARE #ExpertExams*, which allows those who have made a solid recognized contribution to the FIWARE Community, are up-to-date with all aspects of the NGSI inference and other FIWARE fundamentals, have a solid understanding of what it takes to make a product FIWARE-ready, and more, to be recognized by their peers in the FIWARE Community as an acknowledged expert. Interested in joining one of our upcoming #ExpertExams? Then be sure to sign up for the *FIWARE Experts Certification Program*. Our open call is open at all times. apply now <https://www.fiware.org/community/fiware-experts/> *Reminder: Have you filled out the FIWARE Smart Cities survey?* We are sure that you will most likely have (directly or indirectly) worked on, developed, or implemented *FIWARE Smart City projects*. If so, can you share the reference with us? We would hereby like to send a reminder to fill out the Smart Cities survey. By doing so, you will help us and our community to produce the *best Reference Marketing possible*. In other words, you will contribute to the creation of new FIWARE Impact Stories, case studies, video testimonials, press releases, media and analyst interviews, speaking engagements, and much more - all in the name of growing the level of awareness and adoption of FIWARE among different players. Thank you in advance for your support with this! fill out survey <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0SEIGbWmmMbbO11h-V_L7we84MHpJHhhHubOat3kvkEKfvg/viewform?> Join the FIWARE Marketplace! We passionately believe in helping the FIWARE Community to promote their businesses on a global scale. The FIWARE Marketplace is a global one-stop-shop that gives access to a wide range of existing commercial offerings around FIWARE. It hereby helps entrepreneurs to gain visibility and credibility, essential to building partnerships, and gaining market traction. We link featured solutions to further initiatives, mention them in the press kit, FIWARE booklets, and much more. Do not wait and join the 170+ solutions that are already benefiting from the FIWARE Marketplace today. apply to be certified <https://marketplace.fiware.org/> Hot Off the Press *Join the waiting list for future collaborations and campaigns* Last month, our editorial campaign <https://business-reporter.co.uk/2020/09/23/fiware-is-powering-up-cities-across-the-board-2/> with Business Reporter was launched and in the week commencing 19th October, the content can be seen on *Forbes.com*. We also published our White Paper <https://www.fiware.org/wp-content/uploads/White_Paper_FIWARE_Our_Future-Water.pdf> in collaboration with Robert Brears and Our Future Water. Due to popular demand, we will soon be looking for similar collaborations and opportunities with other leading international publishers. If you would like to be added to the waiting list for upcoming editorial campaigns, please contact our Press and PR Manager, Val de Oliveira <valdirene.deoliveira at fiware.org>. We look forward to finding even more ways in which we can highlight the impactful activities that the FIWARE Community is undertaking with Open Source technology. New and Ongoing Initiatives We have welcomed four new FIWARE iHubs The FIWARE iHubs network continues to grow and we could not be happier to welcome on board two new Digital Innovation Hubs in Athens, Greece (*Hellenic FIWARE iHub* <https://www.fiwareihub.gr/> and *Uni FIWARE iHub*), one in Wolfsburg, Germany (*ASTRID)*, and one in Monheim am Rhein, Germany (*Ideas Forum Innovation Hub* <https://ideasforum.org/>). Each new iHub is backed by a familiar face: FIWARE Foundation members *Future Intelligence*, *Uni Systems*, and *Umagine*, as well as FIWARE Accelerator Partner *Wobcom*. By becoming FIWARE iHubs, organizations expand the potential for local businesses and further disseminate FIWARE technologies. Interested in joining the global FIWARE iHubs network? You will find all the information you need on our dedicated iHubs page <https://www.fiware.org/community/fiware-ihubs/>. read more <https://www.fiware.org/news/new-fiware-ihubs-opening-in-germany-and-greece-to-accelerate-innovative-business/> Upcoming Events Follow us at #INTERGEO20 Tune in today (14 October 14) between 14:15-17:15 (CEST) to hear from FIWARE Foundation CEO *Ulrich Ahle* during the *INTERGEO.digital. *For the first time, the international Geo-IT community will be meeting digital! We are excited to be bringing FIWARE to the event and to talk about standards and open source technology for Smart Cities. Want to catch our session? Then stop by the INTERGEO Expo Stage - Smart City Solutions, where FIWARE Foundation CEO *Ulrich Ahle* will be taking part in the "Smart City Data Management and Communication Infrastructures" session to present "*Global standards and open source technology for Smart Cities*". We've got a little present for the FIWARE Community: use the following FIWARE ticket code <https://www.messe-ticket.de/HINTE/INTERGEOEXPO2020/Register/IG20-FIWARE> to secure yourself a ticket to the event. visit event <https://www.intergeo.de/de/> FIWARE is heading to #SCCON20 This year, we are returning to the *Smart Country Convention* (27-28 October), which will take place in a virtual form to adhere to the COVID-19 regulations. This special edition, which will be the digital meeting point for the public sector, will provide plenty of opportunities for exchanges and targeted networking. FIWARE Foundation CEO Ulrich Ahle will present "A System of Systems approach for Smart City platforms" on 28 October, 11:35-12:00 at DIGITAL FORUM, as well as Smart MaaS on 28 October 2020, 12:30-13:00. But wait, we have more good news to share. We invite you to register for the event free of charge following this link <https://www.smartcountry.berlin/en/>. visit event <https://www.smartcountry.berlin/de/> Yes, more FIWARE Webinars! You asked for more webinars, and here we are! Several brand new *#WednesdayWebinars *have been added to the fall line-up already, with many more (including *#BusinessBoost* webinars) in the pipeline. How about a session on "Machine Learning with Cosmos and Spark" in collaboration with the team at UPM, a webinar on "Fast RTPS and FIWARE: Getting the Most Out of Them Together" with Gold Members eProsima, or perhaps "Precision Farming Using FIWARE Smart Data Models for Agrifood" with FIWARE Foundation's very own Alberto Abella? Registration is free of charge so be sure to sign up and join the events. Every event also includes a live Q&A for any questions you might have. check it out <https://www.fiware.org/community/fiware-webinars/> Join the Upcoming Marketing Round-up Calls *Are you a FIWARE Platinum, Gold, or Associate member? Want to take part in the calls but have not yet done so? *We would kindly like to ask you to provide the details of the person in charge of Marketing or Communications within your organization so we can invite the relevant person(s) to the upcoming calls. *The next Marketing Round-up call will happen on 28 October from 14:00-15:00 (CEST)* fill out the form <https://forms.gle/VfkUSEH6UGjUkTjQ8> <https://www.facebook.com/eu.fiware/> <https://twitter.com/fiware> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/fi-ware/> <https://www.youtube.com/user/fiware> <https://www.fiware.org/> *Copyright © 2020 FIWARE Foundation, e.V., All rights reserved.* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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