[Fiware-associate-members] Open Call - Chair and Vice-chair(s) of the FIWARE Smart Agrifood Mission Support Committee

Charlotte Kotterman charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Fri Feb 10 08:59:08 CET 2023

Dear all,

Are you interested in fostering the adoption of FIWARE in the domain of
Smart Agrifood?
The election of Chair and Vice-chair(s) for the FIWARE Smart Agrifood
Mission Support Committee will take place in February and March, based on
the following calendar:

   - Announcement of elections and Call for candidatures: *Now*
   - Closing of candidatures: *February 23, 18:00 CET*
   - Launch of the voting process: *February 24, 09:00 am CET*
   - Closing of the voting process: *March 2, 18:00 CET*
   - Announcement of the results of the elections: *March 3.*

The candidate with the most votes will be elected as Chair, the following
two candidates with the most votes will be elected as Vice-chairs.

Please note that only representatives of organizations that are FIWARE
Foundation members can present their candidatures. If you wish to present
your candidature, please complete an entry in the list of candidates for
the Smart Agrifood MSC Chairs election

I also want to take the opportunity to invite all FIWARE Foundation members
to join the Smart Agrifood MSC mailing list <
fiware-smart-agrifood-dc at lists.fiware.org>, the best way to stay up-to-date
with the activities of this Domain Committee. In order to join, simply
request to be subscribed through the information page defined for the
mailing list <https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-smart-agrifood-dc>.
Your request will then be processed as soon as possible.


Charlotte Kotterman
Community Manager
charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Skype: charlotte.kotterman

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