[Fiware-bigdata-dih-subtopic-1] Working Drafts

Daniel Villalba daniel.villalba at fiware.zone
Sun Nov 10 12:51:20 CET 2019

Dear Tom,

I had already included a google doc "WP 3. DIH Onboarding Services
which is in progress.

I suggest to work on Google docs in order to be able to work simultaneously
several contributors.

Thank you,

Daniel Villalba
Dinamizador FIWARE ZONE
Pabellón de la Unión Europea
Calle Isaac Newton, s/n
41092 Sevilla (Spain)


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El dom., 10 nov. 2019 a las 12:29, Future-City | Tom Willebrandts (<
tom at future-city.nl>) escribió:

> All,
> Juanjo asked us to focus on a curated version of WP 2 and WP3.
> For WP 2 Future City made a first draft; please send us your comments asap.
> @Daniel: I made a template for WP 3 in googel drive. Can you make a first
> draft on which we can give comments ?
> Regards,
> Tom
> Op 10 nov. 2019, om 11:54 heeft Daniel Villalba <
> daniel.villalba at fiware.zone> het volgende geschreven:
> Dear all,
> I add Sara Madariaga and Gonzalo La Rosa to the loop. Sara, should Gonzalo
> Ezquerro be included in the list?
> I suggest to follow the discussion in the email list created for this "
> Fiware-bigdata-dih-subtopic-1 at lists.fiware.org".
> Thank you,
> Cheers.
> --
> Daniel Villalba
> Dinamizador FIWARE ZONE
> -
> www.fiware.zone
> -
> Pabellón de la Unión Europea
> Calle Isaac Newton, s/n
> 41092 Sevilla (Spain)
> --
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> El dom., 10 nov. 2019 a las 11:18, Juanjo Hierro (<
> juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>) escribió:
>> Dear Tom,
>>   Thanks for your input on WP1 and WP2.
>>   Please note that FundingFox and ourselves were already working on WP5
>> and related sections with Section 1 and 2 of the proposal.  While any input
>> will be welcome, we would suggest you comment on the drafts they will
>> deliver.
>>   There is a lot of reusable material from other successful proposals
>> that we will use here and adapt to the specifics of the project.
>>   Please focus on delivering a curated version of WP2 and WP3.
>>   Cheers,
>>   Juanjo
>> On 10/11/2019 10:32, Future-City | Tom Willebrandts wrote:
>> Goodmorning team,
>> Future City uploaded drafts for WP1 and WP2 in google drive
>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GOoAEbm0g96tWdBjQRglLq73ioRvi0v3
>> Please have a look at the drafts and add your information/comments.
>> We’re know working on a draft for WP5 and let you know when we’ve
>> uploaded a first draft
>> @Angeles/Juanjo: please send us your ideas for WP5
>> Have a nice day
>> Regards,
>> Jeroen, Arjan and Tom
>> Tom Willebrandts
>> <image001.png>
>> P.O.Box 1213  | 3800 BE Amersfoort | +31 (0) 6 52 53 55 83 | tom@
>> future-city.nl | www.future-city.nl
>> Deze e-mail is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde(n). Verstrekking
>> aan en gebruik door
>> anderen is niet toegestaan. FutureCity sluit iedere aansprakelijkheid
>> uit die voortvloeit uit
>> elektronische verzending. Denk aan het milieu voordat u deze mail print.
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