[Fiware-boost-rural] REVISION: your SmartRural effort/budget

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Wed Jun 17 10:37:15 CEST 2020

Hi everyone,

   We have finalized the exercise of revision of the allocation of PMs 
to WPs and tasks, therefore also the budget/funding.

   We fixed the issues we found.  Overall, no one should have seen his 
funding decreased, some people would see it incremented.

   You can check the results looking into the tab "Revised efforts and 
figures" of the shared spreadsheet:


   You will see cells in red when your effort in that cell has been 
decreased, in green if it has been incremented.   Overall, you should 
have your same amount of PMs.   However, we have met some rules some of 
the task leaders confirmed to us that should be followed regarding 
allocation of efforts and also we reached a better balance of efforts:

  * We have reached the maximum funding, 15 M€, because that way we can
    assign 3 M€ instead of 2,9 M€ for the Open Calls
  * Partners involved in pilots didn't need to be that much in WP2 nor
    in WP8, according to the corresponding leader.   You may find in
    column C a description of some of the criteria followed
  * We have increased marketing, communication and community building
  * We have focused efforts of partners in rural areas in WP3 and WP4
  * Overall, we reach a nice balance:
      o Pilot activities reach almost 50%, which is nice for an
        Innovation Action, of which 11% is for participatory design
        (WP3) and 38% for the implementation of services and pilots (WP4)
      o Platform activities (WP2) reach 17% which is ok, shouldn't be higher
      o Marcom activities (WP6) reach 12,4% which is ok, better than before
      o Exploitation and impact assessment reach almost 12% = 5,8% (WP5)
        + 5,8% (WP7)
      o Open Calls is 5,8%
      o Management is 3,3% (a bit low but for big projects should be fine)

   Nevertheless, there is nothing written on stone.  If we succeed, we 
may review further where PMs can be allocated.

   We will be uploading the data in the ECAS Portal as we speak. If any 
critical thing, let Alberto and me know.


Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	ATTENTION: your SmartRural effort/budget
Date: 	Tue, 16 Jun 2020 19:49:00 +0200
From: 	Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
To: 	Rural mail list <fiware-boost-rural at lists.fiware.org>


   We are carefully reviewing the allocation of efforts partners have 
made for the project and have found several inconsistencies and issues.

   This mail is to announce you that we will be sending tonight (around 
22:00 CET) a message with a list of changes to implement regarding 
allocation of efforts.   Please stay tuned because we would like to see 
your confirmation before 23:30 in order to implement those changes and 
be able to submit a first version of the proposal in the late night.   
No response will be considered acceptance of the changes.

   DON'T WORRY regarding reduction of your budget.   We are not seeking 
at reduction of your overall budget but willing to fulfill a number of 
rules.  There will be even some increases for some partners.   We will 
come with specific requests regarding reduction of efforts in some tasks 
and increasing of efforts in some others.

   Some examples of inconsistencies we have found:

  * We need to define a common rule which establishes who will be able
    to allocate resources in tasks 1.1 (project management) and how much:
      o the genera rule will be that WPLs will be assigned 2 PMs
      o it doesn't make sense that some non-WPLs have resources assigned
        to this task while others don't
      o therefore, those who had allocated PMs and were not WPLs have to
        place allocated PMs in another WP (e.g., pilots)
  * It is non-sense to allocate PMs in WP2 regarding the SmartRural
    Digital platform and have assigned 0,5 PMs to several tasks in that
    WP when it is unclear what you will do. Following the same
    principle, everyone would have 0,5 PMs to every task in WP2 which
    doesn't make any sense.   We prefer you reinforce with additional
    resources the WP associated to pilots.
  * In general, we would like to avoid that every WP has 20+ partners
    ... that would be unmanageable and a reviewer may kill us precisely
    because would know it would be unmanageable.  The only exception may
    be WP3 and WP4, precisely because it cover activities that are not
    cloned but replicated by pilot in each of the rural areas.
  * etc.

   Again, please stay tuned.


Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 

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