[Fiware-boost-rural] Fwd: Proposal SmartRural submitted

Antonio Montalvo antonio.montalvo at fundingbox.com
Wed Jun 17 17:12:12 CEST 2020

Dear all,

This is to confirm that the proposal SmartRural has been successfully submitted. In a few hours the submitted version will be available in the EC participant portal.
The 2 documents (Sections 1-3 and 4-5) are now available in pdf in the Shared Drive named ‘Submissions’.

I would like to thank all of you for the superb work provided during these months of hard work, especially the people from the FIWARE Foundation (Alberto, Juanjo and Gianluca) who coordinated what I think can be a winning proposal.

Now, let’s cross fingers and hope we get the result everyone is expecting.

Best regards,

Antonio Montalvo - Reach me at @a <https://spaces.fundingbox.com/@Ola_Skalska>ntonio_mmontalvo
Project Manager
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> Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: European Commission <EC-NO-REPLY-GRANT-MANAGEMENT at nomail.ec.europa.eu>
> Asunto: Proposal SmartRural submitted
> Fecha: 17 de junio de 2020, 16:52:33 CEST
> Para: Antonio Montalvo <antonio.montalvo at fundingbox.com>
> Europa / Funding & Tenders Portal notification
> Dear Proposal Participant, 
> The following proposal has been submitted to the Funding & Tenders Portal Submission System: 
> Submitted by	: Antonio Montalvo (antonio.montalvo at fundingbox.com)
> Proposal acronym	: SmartRural
> Proposal ID	: 101017214 (internal reference number: SEP-210691027)
> Call	: H2020-DT-2020-1
> Type of action	: IA
> Topic	: DT-ICT-09-2020
> Call closure	: 2020-06-17 17:00:00
> Date of submission	: 2020-06-17 16:51:37
> You may return to this proposal via the My Proposals <https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/myarea/proposals> tab (https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/myarea/proposals) in the Funding & Tenders Portal <https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home>. 
> Please also note that you may reedit and resubmit your proposal before the deadline. In this case only the latest submitted version will be used during evaluation. 
> For your reference we included below information on the attachments uploaded to the submission system: 
> SmartRural_-_Sections_1-3.pdf (2799311 bytes, uploaded on 2020-06-17 16:51:28) 
> Sections_4-5.pdf (4023366 bytes, uploaded on 2020-06-17 14:28:16) 
> This email does not constitute a formal proof that the proposal submitted will be retained for evaluation. 
> What's next? 
> After the evaluation of the proposal, information about the outcome of the evaluations will be made available via the Funding & Tenders Portal. You will be notified by e-mail when this information becomes available. 
> Exception: ERC applicants and main host institution contacts are informed via the ERC Feedback to Applicants site and are also alerted by e-mails. The subsequent invitation to grant preparation will be found on the Funding & Tenders Portal. 
> Who is notified about the results? 
> All contact persons identified in the proposal will receive an e-mail (to the e-mail address linked to the person’s EU Login). Already nominated LEARs (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) or account administrators of the participating organisations will also receive a notification e-mail. 
> Please make sure that the e-mail addresses used for the above contact persons remain active and that local e-mail handling rules do not prevent e-mails from the Commission systems from being received. 
> The moment of sending the notification e-mails triggers the 30-day period for potential requests for evaluation review in programmes as in Horizon 2020, where evaluation review is foreseen in the Rules for participation. 
> When can you expect to be informed about the results? 
> Feedback on the evaluation results will usually be sent within 5 months from the call deadline. 
> With kind regards, 
> European Commission - Funding & Tenders Portal Submission System team 
> This email has been auto-generated. Please do not reply to this account. Your email will not be read. For any inquiries please contact the SEP helpdesk (+32 2 29 92222 or DIGIT-EFP7-SEP-SUPPORT at ec.europa.eu) 
> If you want to change the frequency of receiving notifications with importance "Normal", you can do it in the Funding & Tenders Portal >  My Notifications > Preferences

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