[Fiware-campusero] Proposal on challenges to be launch associated to FI-WARE/FI-LAB

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Thu Nov 7 00:59:08 CET 2013

Dear Raul,
     thank you for your mail ... I've seen the news on LinkedIn with 
references for detailed information.

I had the possibility to present the challenges at a conference in a 
couple of weeks from now,
but unfortunately the deadline has passed ... I try to check if can do 
something anyway.

I keep you informed.
kind regards,

On 31/10/2013 16:20, Raúl Sánchez wrote:
> Dear all,
> Today the first two of the four FI-WARE Challenges will be launched 
> through all our social media channels and and FI-WARE channels . Smart 
> Cities and Smart Business will be the first ones. You will receive 
> today all the info related to the Challenges. We hope that social 
> networks will be on fire after this huge launching. It is going to be 
> contest with the highest prizes ever launched...
> We think that the success of this Challenges action it is a huge 
> opportunity to all the FI-WARE Consortium members to disseminate what 
> is FI-WARE and arouse the interest of developers about FI-WARE in all 
> the world. We are putting all of our best efforts to make it possible.
> Amongs all the channels that we will use, the Consortium members could 
> play also an important role. We hope and we willl request from you all 
> of your support in this action.
> Thanks in advance for your cooperation and I hope to see you in the 
> Final that it will take place in Campus Party Brasil in Sao Paulo from 
> January 26 to February 2nd. www. 
> <http://www.campus-party.com.br>*campus*-*party*.com.br 
> <http://www.campus-party.com.br>
> Best from Madrid and have a nice long weekend.
> Raúl Sánchez, PhD
> *Raúl Sánchez*
> /Director/
> /Corporate & Government Affairs/
> Futura Networks & Campus Party
> www.campus-party.org <http://www.campus-party.org/>
> Madrid, Spain
> +34-659311383
> /The information in this e-mail (including attachments) is 
> confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not an intended 
> recipient, please immediately inform the sender and delete this e-mail 
> and any attachments. Futura Networks and Asociación E3 Futura do their 
> part to protect our world: please consider the environment before 
> printing this message./
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De:* fiware-campusero-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu 
> [mailto:fiware-campusero-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] *En nombre de 
> *Davide Dalle Carbonare
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013 15:05
> *Para:* Esther Paniagua
> *CC:* fiware-campusero at lists.fi-ware.eu
> *Asunto:* Re: [Fiware-campusero] Proposal on challenges to be launch 
> associated to FI-WARE/FI-LAB
> Dear Esther,
>     sorry to push again on this ... it's important for me to know if 
> challenges have
> been officially launched and relative details as far as I may have the 
> possibility
> to present them at an event in few weeks from now.
> thank you and
> kind regards,
> Davide
> On 25/10/2013 15:32, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:
>> Dear Esther,
>>     first of all, thank you for the work you're doing.
>> I would like to know if Smart Challenges have been officially 
>> launched in Santander and,
>> if yes, if is it possible to update the page of FI-WARE web site 
>> reporting the details
>> of these challenges.
>> thak you,
>> BR
>> Davide
>> On 14/10/2013 20:40, Esther Paniagua wrote:
>>> Dear partners:
>>> Thanks to all of you for sharing your views about the challenges. I 
>>> understand them and I’d like to clarify the issue that Philipp is 
>>> mentioning regarding the amount of time that involves to create a 
>>> prototype “only” to participate in a challenge. As it is not 
>>> something that is going to happen in the first phase -that consists 
>>> on a call for ideas- only the 20 candidates of each challenge that 
>>> pass to this next phase will have to develop such prototype. Then, 
>>> this 20 candidates will have real possibilities to win the prize to 
>>> finance their idea.
>>> We have no more time to spend because we need to take the final 
>>> decision. I attach a draft post with the information that would be 
>>> published to launch the first two prizes (Smart Cities an Smart 
>>> Business) that will be deeply defined in the registration page with 
>>> the instructions and the legal basis. Maybe the post is useful for 
>>> you to understand the idea better. Juanjo is working on the 
>>> technical specifications of each challenge too, so it will be for 
>>> help too.
>>> Attending to your worries, I suggest to include in the description 
>>> of eath challenge, as well as in the post, a mention about our aim 
>>> regarding the start-ups creation, in order to clarify our objective 
>>> and to define better the kind of projects that we look for (that is, 
>>> proposals that may have a real impact while being feasible).
>>> Please, send us additional comments before tomorrow evening. We'd 
>>> like to take the opportunity to launch the challenges during the 
>>> FI-WARE event in Santander this week, so we have to be very agile.
>>> Thanks for all in advance :)
>>> -- 
>>> Esther Paniagua
>>> Coordinadora de Campus Labs
>>> Futura Networks
>>> 2013/10/6 stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it 
>>> <mailto:stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>>
>>>     dear juanjo,
>>>     i perfectly agree with your answer, and exactly becouse of that, the
>>>     approach you explained should be better emphasised in the call
>>>     for the
>>>     context.
>>>     i think also the idea of funnelling the proposals with an
>>>     intermediatery step is important and gives to the context the
>>>     level of
>>>     attractiveness for smes that philipp is aiming at. again also this
>>>     should be well formalised and explained in the call for the context.
>>>     ciao,
>>>     stefano
>>>     2013/10/6 Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es <mailto:jhierro at tid.es>>:
>>>     > Dear Philipp,
>>>     >
>>>     >   What you say maybe true for the kind of hackathons you run
>>>     at a Campus
>>>     > Party event, i.e., hackathons that start and end at the event.
>>>       We all
>>>     > agree that we shouldn't go for too high prizes at those
>>>     hackathons and we
>>>     > won't.
>>>     >
>>>     >   However, what it will be launched this time is different.  
>>>     It pretends to
>>>     > be something that implies funding a more complete development,
>>>     that's why it
>>>     > lasts several months.  A different matter is that we define an
>>>     intermediate
>>>     > milestone that will help to perform a first selection of
>>>     contestants who
>>>     > will be paid to travel to Campus Party Brasil to run the final
>>>     (they are
>>>     > expected to evolve whatever proof of concept they have
>>>     developed at that
>>>     > time but this will give them a signal that it's worth
>>>     investing and continue
>>>     > the development because at least they will be able to showcase
>>>     their
>>>     > application in the Campus Party Brasil event which may help
>>>     them to gain
>>>     > some visibility for their application).
>>>     >
>>>     >   Startups or SMEs who have an application already in mind (or
>>>     have
>>>     > developed some early versions of it) and believe incorporation
>>>     of FI-WARE
>>>     > technologies could fit in their architecture evolution plan
>>>     are welcome to
>>>     > participate in these challenges and they are indeed our target
>>>     audience.
>>>     >
>>>     >   To some extend, these challenges will follow a formula very
>>>     similar to
>>>     > what are going to be the Open Calls targeted to SMEs in Call 3
>>>     (Use Case
>>>     > Expansion projects) and indeed I believe we will extract very
>>>     interesting
>>>     > lessons during the process.
>>>     >
>>>     >   Last but not least, despite you may have the impression that the
>>>     > contestants to the FI-WARE prizes in Campus Party Europe in
>>>     London where
>>>     > simply students or people who just wanted to play and see
>>>     whether they could
>>>     > win some prize at the event, it was interesting to learn that
>>>     some of them
>>>     > are already planning (or in the process) of running a startup
>>>     ... and they
>>>     > expressed their interest to learn whether usage of FI-WARE
>>>     technologies
>>>     > could help them to catch some funding.
>>>     >
>>>     >   Best regards,
>>>     >
>>>     > -- Juanjo
>>>     >
>>>     > -------------
>>>     > Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
>>>     > website: www.tid.es <http://www.tid.es>
>>>     > email: jhierro at tid.es <mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
>>>     > twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
>>>     <http://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
>>>     >
>>>     > FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
>>>     > and Chief Architect
>>>     >
>>>     > FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
>>>     >
>>>     > You can follow FI-WARE at:
>>>     >   website: http://www.fi-ware.eu
>>>     >   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>>>     >   twitter: http://twitter.com/FIware
>>>     >   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>>>     >
>>>     > On 06/10/13 11:14, Philipp Slusallek wrote:
>>>     >
>>>     > Hi,
>>>     >
>>>     > Sorry for being (too?) late with my response but we had a big
>>>     review
>>>     > last week as well as a long weekend due to a national holiday.
>>>     >
>>>     > This is the first time I hear about these plans of attracting
>>>     developers
>>>     > and I am not too convinced about this concept at all. So here
>>>     are my 2
>>>     > cents worth.
>>>     >
>>>     > Competitions are only attractive to really small groups
>>>     developers who
>>>     > can work on this in their spare time, such as students or
>>>     hobbyists. Its
>>>     > not too interesting for serious SMEs or Web entrepreneurs that
>>>     struggle
>>>     > to keep their income and cannot spend weeks of time building a
>>>     prototype
>>>     > for a competition where its is a big gamble whether to get any
>>>     return on
>>>     > the investment. Anyone with a serious business plan and idea,
>>>     better
>>>     > stays focused on getting this to work. Google, facebook, etc.
>>>     were not
>>>     > founded through a competition. The goal for FI-WARE should
>>>     therefore not
>>>     > be to target people that "gamble" but helping people with a solid
>>>     > business idea to more successfully execute it in the context
>>>     and with
>>>     > the support of the FI-PPP.
>>>     >
>>>     > A special exception may be open source developers that work
>>>     for the
>>>     > "greater good". But if this is the target (which might
>>>     actually be a
>>>     > good idea, similar to the Google Summer of Code) than the
>>>     whole thing
>>>     > should be structured differently. Google, for example, does
>>>     not hand out
>>>     > price money but funds the execution of the best and brightest
>>>     ideas.
>>>     > This actually helps getting the good ideas implemented and
>>>     does not just
>>>     > hand over big sums of money.
>>>     >
>>>     > When we are targeting small developers through the
>>>     competitions then a
>>>     > price money of several tens of k€ seems way too high. This are
>>>     likely
>>>     > not the people that necessarily will create a start-up or
>>>     other business
>>>     > idea around their project with this money. It takes way more
>>>     than a
>>>     > quick good idea to be economically successful and I would even
>>>     say that
>>>     > we should not even encourage such a development.
>>>     >
>>>     > Maybe I am too harsh about the campuseros and missing the
>>>     point here (I
>>>     > was not at the event). But it is consistent with what I have
>>>     heard and
>>>     > is also the clear opinion in FI-Content after quite long
>>>     discussions
>>>     > about exactly this topic. There we also have competitions but
>>>     the price
>>>     > money is way smaller. Also our competitions are only a small
>>>     addition to
>>>     > our other activities targeting a very different audience
>>>     (students etc.,
>>>     > see above) than we do with the OpenCall or Phase-III, where we
>>>     > specifically target different groups of serious developers
>>>     with very
>>>     > different means and therefore necessarily more money per proposal.
>>>     >
>>>     > I realize it is late and there is not a lot of time to still
>>>     change
>>>     > anything. Anyway, I believe its worth considering and maybe
>>>     taking into
>>>     > account to the degree still possible.
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     > Best,
>>>     >
>>>     >       Philipp
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     > Am 02.10.2013 00:06, schrieb Esther Paniagua:
>>>     >
>>>     > Hi all,
>>>     >
>>>     > I'm Esther Paniagua, coordinator of Campus Labs at Futura
>>>     Networks.
>>>     >
>>>     > I'm attaching a post that we've prepared for the launching of
>>>     the two
>>>     > first challenges, that may be of help to understand the process.
>>>     >
>>>     > Thanks!
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     > 2013/10/1 Davide Dalle Carbonare <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
>>>     <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>
>>>     > <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
>>>     <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>>>
>>>     >
>>>     >     Dear Juanjo,
>>>     >         the format sounds good to me, I think the first two
>>>     challenges,
>>>     >     for the first round are fine.
>>>     >     I wait for additional details especially regarding the
>>>     final phase
>>>     >     at Campus Party.
>>>     >
>>>     >     kind regards,
>>>     >     Davide
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >     On 01/10/2013 17:53, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
>>>     >
>>>     >     Hi all,
>>>     >
>>>     >       Futura Networks will send an email with further details,
>>>     but let
>>>     >     me briefly describe what they have proposed and we need to
>>>     approve
>>>     >     this week.
>>>     >
>>>     >       As you know, there were aprox. 870 K€ in prizes to be
>>>     consumed
>>>     >     until end of the proyect.   Of these 870 K€, 17.500€ were
>>>     consumed
>>>     >     in Campus Party Europe in London (2.500 € of one of the
>>>     special
>>>     >     awards were not given away).
>>>     >
>>>     >       The idea is now to launch a number of challenges which
>>>     will be
>>>     >     run along a number of months.   We would start launching two
>>>     >     thematic challenges, one focused on Smart Cities and
>>>     another one
>>>     >     focused on Smart Businesses.
>>>     >
>>>     >       The two challenges would be launched this week and we would
>>>     >     define a deadline (mid November) to collect proposals.  
>>>     Proposers
>>>     >     who accompany their ideas with proof of concepts developed on
>>>     >     FI-LAB, etc will be given preference.  In December we would
>>>     >     select 20 proposals for each of the challenges and we will
>>>     invite
>>>     >     two people of each of the selected teams to travel to the
>>>     Campus
>>>     >     Party Brasil, early February 2014.
>>>     >
>>>     >       The selected teams attending the Campus Party Brasil
>>>     event will
>>>     >     run a final there so that the final prizes are given away:
>>>     >
>>>     >       * 1st prize: 75 K€
>>>     >       * 2nd prize: 40 K€
>>>     >       * third prize: 20 K€
>>>     >       * two additional special awards (e.g., "Young
>>>     developer"): 5.000
>>>     >         € each
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >       During the Campus Party Brasil event we would launch the
>>>     second
>>>     >     round of challenges, targeted to be given away at the
>>>     Campus Party
>>>     >     Europe (most likely to take place in Spain during July
>>>     2014).   A
>>>     >     similar schema would be followed.   We would define an interim
>>>     >     milestone to select the 40 best proposals and pay them the
>>>     travel
>>>     >     expenses to Campus Party Europe where a final would take
>>>     place.
>>>     >
>>>     >       There are several options for this second round of
>>>     challenges,
>>>     >     we may go for thematic challenges (we didn't have too
>>>     appealing
>>>     >     themes) or we may go for a big contest to be referred as
>>>     "FI-WARE
>>>     >     Excellence Awards" (with total 290K€ in prizes) where
>>>     there would
>>>     >     not be restriction about the theme to be addressed and
>>>     focus would
>>>     >     be given on finding the applications that make best usage of
>>>     >     FI-WARE technologies.   Another possibility is to find
>>>     another two
>>>     >     thematic challenges, or do a mix: run one thematic
>>>     challenge and
>>>     >     one "FI-WARE Excellenge Awards" (in this case, each with
>>>     145 K€ in
>>>     >     prizes).
>>>     >
>>>     >       Personally, I would go fo a single challenge on "FI-WARE
>>>     >     Excellence Awards" with total 290 K€ in prizes, but your
>>>     feedback
>>>     >     is welcome.
>>>     >
>>>     >       The launch of the first two challenges on Smart Cities
>>>     and Smart
>>>     >     Businesses (with 145 K€ in prizes each) look more clear to
>>>     me and,
>>>     >     since we are running a bit out of time, I would go for
>>>     advertising
>>>     >     them at the Campusero Community this Thursday 17:00 unless
>>>     anyone
>>>     >     has an objection.
>>>     >
>>>     >       Cheers,
>>>     >
>>>     >     -- Juanjo
>>>     >
>>>     >     -------------
>>>     >     Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
>>>     >     website: www.tid.es <http://www.tid.es> <http://www.tid.es>
>>>     >     email: jhierro at tid.es <mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
>>>     <mailto:jhierro at tid.es <mailto:jhierro at tid.es>>
>>>     >     twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
>>>     <http://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro> <http://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
>>>     >
>>>     >     FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
>>>     >     and Chief Architect
>>>     >
>>>     >     FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
>>>     >
>>>     >     You can follow FI-WARE at:
>>>     >       website: http://www.fi-ware.eu
>>>     >       facebook:
>>>     http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>>>     >       twitter: http://twitter.com/FIware
>>>     >       linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     > --
>>>     > Esther Paniagua
>>>     > Coordinadora de Campus Labs
>>>     > Futura Networks
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     > _______________________________________________
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>>>     >
>>>     --
>>>     Stefano De Panfilis
>>>     Chief Innovation Officer
>>>     Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
>>>     via Riccardo Morandi 32
>>>     00148 Roma
>>>     Italy
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