Hi all, me and Pedro Rodriguez just finished the presentation of the new FIWARE Catalogue to the WPL/WPA Demo session. Here are some major feedback received from Juanjo: - rename the "REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE" in "FIWARE GENERIC ENABLERS" - rename the "DOMAIN SPECIFIC ARCHITECTURE" in "DOMAIN SPECIFIC ENABLERS" if possible (to check with Ogilvy) add a link, from each chapter section in the homepage, that points to the website presenting the use cases related to that chapter (one chapter can have more than one use case) @Perdro, I guess I'm not in the fiware-catalogue list ... can you add me please? Cheers, Davide PS ... I would like to use the lynckia tool for fiware related meetings, is there a instance I can use? -- Davide Dalle Carbonare IT Solution Architect Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. Mob: +39-346-3207903 @davdalle <https://twitter.com/davdalle> | linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidedallecarbonare> | about.me <http://about.me/davidedallecarbonare>
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