[Fiware-challenges] Submission to FI-WARE Smart Society Challenge

Joanna Alvarado Uribe joanna.1890 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 05:14:31 CEST 2014

​Good evening,

Just a moment ago, we tried to register the project, although the page
displayed a message indicating the register was already closed (this can be
seen in* Submission closed.png* image attached). The bases indicated that
the deadline was today April, 24 at 11:59 pm GMT (base deadline
snapshot.png image). We send you our proposal using the email provided at
the base's document.  (Shelter and Refugees Finder.pdf)

Waiting for your response and hoping you can help us, we thank you in

Joanna Alvarado Uribe
Cesar Jaime Montiel Moctezuma.
Ari Yair Barrera Animas.
Bárbara Cervantes González.
Jovan Andrei Tapia Valenzuela.
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