[Fiware-challenges] Campus Party

Galina Stoyanova galina.stoyanova at 158ltd.com
Tue Mar 18 14:43:59 CET 2014


our company 158ltd.com wants to be a part of your competition, ideas and
goals again.
We are interested to know the specifications about criteria for evaluation
of the ideas, because we want to give the best of yourself.

Kind Regards,

*Galina Stoyanova*
*Office Manager |  158ltd*
*galina.stoyanova at 158ltd.com <galina.stoyanova at 158ltd.com>*

* <https://www.facebook.com/158ltd?ref=ts&fref=ts>

Varna * Bulgaria * +359 887 807 236 / fax: +359 52 601 423
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