[Fiware-chapter-active-contributors] Candidates as FIWARE Chapter representatives

Juanjo Hierro (personal) juanjose.hierro at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 18:20:16 CEST 2024

Hi everyone,

   Thanks to all who submitted their candidatures to the TSC.  It is 
great to see such engagement.

   As anticipated, the submitted candidatures are summarized in this 
you are invited to check.

   If someone finds any candidature missing, please let martin and me know.

   Running a quick analysis, I have found that the following setup is 
feasible, maximizing the number of people who can join the FIWARE TSC.  
Of course, people involved may need to agree:

  * Alberto Abella: Smart Data Models
  * Pooja Pathak: Data Connectors (if Andrés Muñoz withdraws his
    candidature in this chapter)
  * Joaquín Salvachúa: Data Connectors  (if Andrés Muñoz withdraws his
    candidature in this chapter)
  * Francisco Melendez: Interface to robotics, IoT and 3rd systems
  * Manfredi Giuseppe Pistone: Interface to robotics, IoT and 3rd systems
  * Dennis Wendland: Security (if Joaquin Salvachúa withdraws his
    candidature in this chapter)
  * Alvaro Alonso: Security (if Joaquin Salvachúa withdraws his
    candidature in this chapter)
  * Flavio Cirilo: Processing and Visualization
  * Álvaro Arranz: Processing and Visualization
  * Francisco de la Vega: Publication and Trading
  * Nisha Rani: Publication and Trading
  * Jason Fox: Tutorials (if Fernado withdraws his candidature in this
  * Kazuhito Suda: Tutorials (if Fernado withdraws his candidature in
    this chapter)
  * Stefan Wiedeman: Deployment Tools
  * Andrés Muñoz: Deployment Tools
  * Fernando López: QA Lab, Smart Data Models, FIWARE Lab
  * Pasquale Vitale: QA Lab
  * Daniele Pavia: FIWARE Lab

   Conflict is in the Core chapter where we have Fermín Galán, Ken 
Zangelin and Benoit Orihuela as candidates.  We may need to go for a 
voting unless some clever idea comes.

   Best regards,

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