Dear Miguel, I have a doubt about Note 2 in your message below (Note 2: We have in mind to develop a tool to export descriptions from JIRA to the wiki but it's not available for this first deliverable. Sorry, it will require on the other side that you provide the descriptions in JIRA, instead of doing it in the wiki. I know some partners have already started providing their descriptions on JIRA. ) By reading the note, it appears that the description of Epics/Features is expected to happen in JIRA (and someone did it already probably); but in case there aren't descriptions already done, I would assume the GE owners can directly edit new wiki pages to describe them. Is this correct? BR Pier Da: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at [mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at] Per conto di MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO Inviato: venerdì 28 novembre 2014 15:50 A: fiware at; fiware-chapter-leaders at; fiware-chapter-architects at; fiware-wg-leaders at Oggetto: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Guidelines for the creation of the Roadmap deliverable Dear all, As you know we have been exploring new tools for some months. This process has just finished and we finally decided to continue with the same ones as in the first years of FIWARE (namely, the forge). This has delayed the creation of D.1.<y>.7.a Technical Roadmap, that theoretically should be delivered at the end of this month. Now it's time to put hands to work. The scope of this deliverable is all we will do in Release 4, in terms of high level backlog items (just Features and Epics) EDITION OF ROADMAP ON WIKI ============================================================== We are going to edit it on the public wiki, using the Roadmap section under: · We already spent a few hours reorganizing the old ones and they are ready for your inputs. This deliverable applies to the chapters in stream1 plus the one led by Davide (sustainability support tools) The things that must be done are: · The chapter leaders must use Release 3 as the model to create the plan for Release 4: o Review the text in the first section of each chapter (it may be old or deprecated) o Create the structure for the section "Fourth release" § Introductory part with high level list of new functionality § Table with the GEris ready to receive the Features and Epics · The GE owners must populate the table that the chapter leader has created. · As we do not have an update of the "materializing ..." and architecture parts, we will not link the GEri names from the table to anywhere. EDITION OF WIKI BACKLOG ENTRIES ============================================================== Regarding the Wiki, public descriptions of the Features/Epics linked from the roadmap page must provided in the FIWARE public wiki. You can take as example the following: ·<> In addition to the identifier fields: name and chapter, it provides the following information: · Goal : what you intend to reach concisely · Description: you elaborate on how the goal is implemented. · Rationale : how you justify its existence In summary, the task is to provide these pages linked from the roadmap To be able to edit the wiki you need to have forge access. We will send a separate message on the matter. EDITION OF JIRA BACKLOG ENTRIES ============================================================== We must ensure consistency between the items on the Roadmap and the JIRA backlog. JIRA incorporates the fields on the wiki plus additional ones: · version (release) · status in workflow · component · assignee. On the whole, the task is about ensuring consistency of epics and features' names, and releases with the roadmap page. SCHEDULE ============================================================== This is the schedule for each one of the deliverables: 1/Dec - People start creating backlog items in the wiki and JIRA(some have done part of this already) 1/Dec - The chapter leaders start reviewing the text and creating the structure on the wiki roadmap 3/Dec - The chapter leaders have reviewed the text part of the roadmap pages and created the tables 15/Dec - The Roadmap is complete, the backlog items of the GEris are on JIRA and the wiki 17/Dec - A draft of the deliverables are ready for review - the WPL has created it already. 19/Dec - Delivery to the EC Best regards, Manuel & Miguel Note 1: Backlog reviews check consistency of the naming convention, consistency with roadmap, and description fields length. Note 2: We have in mind to develop a tool to export descriptions from JIRA to the wiki but it's not available for this first deliverable. Sorry, it will require on the other side that you provide the descriptions in JIRA, instead of doing it in the wiki. I know some partners have already started providing their descriptions on JIRA. Note 3: we will provide templates for the final doc deliverables later in the week. We are not using the tools we used in the "old" project Note 4: we will deliver each WP separately, if one gets delayed it will not harm the rest of FIWARE -- Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco _/ _/ _/ _/ Telefónica Distrito Telefónica _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigación y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicación S/N _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at> Follow FI-WARE on the net Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. 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