[Fiware-chapter-architects] FIWARE Architects follow-up confcalls

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
Sun Nov 23 10:30:48 CET 2014

On 23/11/14 08:36, Philipp Slusallek wrote:
> Dear Juanjo,
> In my immediate answer to your request last week I suggested to move the
> WebUI presentation to one week later (due to prior commitments tomorrow
> I can only join a bit later). I did not hear back from you ...

   You can be the second one to present.   That's not a problem.

   It is expected that architects book this slot and attend regularly.
Yes, being architect in FIWARE will be a bit demanding, but otherwise
this endeveur will never fly :-)

> Receiving your answer finally on Friday after hours expecting me/us to
> still prepare this presentation as first thing on Monday morning is
> simply not possible, sorry. I might have been able to prepare for the
> second slot this week -- but not on such short notice. Asking to find
> someone else *over the weekend* to present the stuff is not an option
> either.
> I am more than happy to present our work next week, though, as I
> originally suggested.

   I had the opportunity to see that this integration has already been
achieved by people of the Web-based UI team.   Indeed, they presented
some demos about how it is working at the Smart City Expo World
Congress.   Therefore, it could be mostly a matter of describing what
has been done in a couple of slides, to make sure it is in the proper
manner (for this, people from the data chapter are expected to attend)
and let rest of the architects be aware of that.   It shouldn't be so
that difficult.

   We had activated 188 K€ for a demo that has to be finalized by end of
this year which should show how Web-based UI GEs can be used in an
end-to-end scenario, involving actual sensors and a flow of information
from sensors to the UI through the Context Broker. Therefore, we have to
make progress.

   Let's program the slot so that we can at least see where we are (a
couple of slides and some demo would be enough), then identify and
prepare specific points to be discussed in more detail next week (i.e.,
monday December 1st)

> Also: Do we even know yet which infrastructure we will use for these
> presentations, how to present, and how to call in? I might have missed
> it but I don't think I saw a decisions on that yet.

   Dial-in details (powwownow) have been always there in the main body
of the invitation of the call ...  Didn't you get this info?

   We may use join.me for sharing the screen although I will make a try
to see if we can use Lync because join.me may have some limitations.

> Also is it correct that you want the morning call to take place now be
> from 10:30to 12:30h? The official invitation I have in my calender (from
> you) still reads 11-12:30h. It might be good to update that for all
> (including whatever call mechanism we plan to use).

   I updated it some time ago to be 2 hours yes (1 hour per topic). You
should have received an update of the invitation in your email time ago.

   Best regards,

-- Juanjo

> Best,
>       Philipp
> Am 22.11.2014 um 17:36 schrieb Juanjo Hierro:
>>    A friendly reminder ...
>>    @Philipp: I expect that someone form the Advanced Web-based UI chapter
>> will come to elaborate on progress and explain us how they have
>> integrated with the Context Broker.   I had the opportunity to see what
>> was achieved during the Smart City Expo World Congress and I believe we
>> are in the right track.
>>    @Sergio, @Javier: I expect that you will present work regarding
>> extensions to CKAN and the current state of the art regarding
>> monetization/access-control of APIs/datasets published through CKAN as
>> well as the publication of Context Broker endpoints-datasets through CKAN.
>>    Could all of you confirm?
>>    Best regards,
>> -- Juanjo
>> __________________________________________________________________
>> FIWARE Coordinator and Chief Architect
>> CTO of IoT and Smart Cities platform at Telefónica
>> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
>> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
>> You can follow FIWARE at:
>>    website:  http://www.fiware.org
>>    facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>>    twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>>    linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>> On 16/11/14 17:13, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
>>> Dear FIWARE architects,
>>>    As announced when we started the FI-Core project, we will carry out
>>> periodic confcalls to carry out technical discussion on focused
>>> topics, also to follow-up technical progress.    Besides, these
>>> meetings will help each FIWARE architect to understand what's going on
>>> in another chapters and identify potential areas to develop further
>>> integration between chapters.    Attendance of FIWARE chapter
>>> architects is mandatory while attendance of FIWARE chapter leaders of
>>> FIWARE WG leaders is optional.
>>>    Each of these confcalls will run from 10:30 to 12:30.   We should be
>>> able to cover two specific technical topics during each of these
>>> confcall (devoting 1 hour to each).
>>>    The confcall of the monday after the last friday of a given month
>>> will be devoted to demos of the results of the last development
>>> sprints from each of the chapters.   Manuel will assist in
>>> coordinating the agenda of those sprint demo confcalls.
>>>    The first of these periodic concalls will take place next November
>>> 24th.   I would like to cover two topics:
>>>    * Description of Web-based UI chapter and integration with Context
>>>      Broker GE (responsible, Philipp)
>>>    * CKAN extensions: publication of Context Broker API datasets and
>>>      integration with Store for management of datasets access rights
>>>      (responsible, Javier & Sergio)
>>>    Please invite people from your chapters that you believe can
>>> contribute to the discussion or you believe it is important that get
>>> aware about the topics being discussed.
>>>    We will need to use some tool to share screens (this will be
>>> essential to share presentations and/or demos).   I would suggest
>>> using join.me, but if someone else have some other idea in mind, don't
>>> hesitate to make a proposal.
>>>    Best regards,
>>> -- Juanjo
>>> __________________________________________________________________
>>> FIWARE Coordinator and Chief Architect
>>> CTO of IoT and Smart Cities platform at Telefónica
>>> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
>>> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
>>> You can follow FIWARE at:
>>>    website:  http://www.fiware.org
>>>    facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>>>    twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>>>    linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
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