[Fiware-chapter-architects] [Fiware-chapter-leaders] How to add bundles to the wiki

Philipp Slusallek philipp.slusallek at dfki.de
Tue Oct 21 21:12:28 CEST 2014


We should be careful here: Cross-chapter bundles is exactly what we have
already discussed at the kickoff event in Madrid, when we talked about
creating demos that use the Context Broker and several WebUI GEs to
visualize sensor data. It makes sense to make them available as bundles
with all the necessary enablers included as well as a Web  as a portal
to use the results (demo).

So we should think about a solution for cross-chapter bundles as well. I
would link those bundles to all chapters of which GEs are being used.

BTW: The tools we have created in FI-Content (named FI-Doc SE which I
also mentioned in the call) can track the dependencies between SEs/GEs
and generate automatically appropriate links e.g. to Bundles that use
GEs from certain chapters.



Am 21.10.2014 um 17:13 schrieb MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO:
> Hi,
> AFAIK, there are no cross chapter bundles at present. If this happens in the 
> future, we'll see what to do with it.
> BR
> Miguel
> El 21/10/2014 17:11, Davide Dalle Carbonare escribió:
>> Dear Miguel,
>>   are we sure that the bundles we have now (and will have in the future) are 
>> all built using GEs from the same Chapter?
>> BR
>> Davide
>> 2014-10-21 16:54 GMT+02:00 MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO 
>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com 
>> <mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>>:
>>     Dear all,
>>     One of the pending APs on me from yesterday's meeting is to provide
>>     guidelines to include the bundles in the wiki. I will do it with one example.
>>     Let us use the bundle in Data as an example.
>>     *_1)_**_Where _*
>>     Under Materializing, at the end of the page,
>>     http://wiki.fi-ware.org/Materializing_Data/Context_Management_in_FI-WARE.
>>     _*2) Structure*_
>>     Wwe add a section called "<bundle name>(bundle)" as though it was one more
>>     GE.
>>     We also add just one single subsection ("*Bundle guides*")
>>     It will look like this in the wiki TOC
>>     _*3) Contents*_
>>     Take this as a model, modifying it as needed in each WP.
>>     BR
>>     Miguel
>>     -- 
>>     Please update your address book with my new e-mail address:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com  <mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
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> -- 
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  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
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