[Fiware-chapter-architects] R: Agile: Release 4.2 and Sprint 4.2.3 Demo meeting agenda - missing content - deadline 12:00

Garino Pierangelo pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it
Mon Apr 13 09:54:58 CEST 2015

Dear Manuel,

presentation link available for I2ND.

Da: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE [mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com]
Inviato: lunedì 13 aprile 2015 08:56
A: fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fiware.org
Cc: fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fiware.org; FERMIN GALAN MARQUEZ; BISSON Pascal; Garino Pierangelo; thierry.nagellen at orange.com; CARLOS RALLI UCENDO; HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS; FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR
Oggetto: RE: Agile: Release 4.2 and Sprint 4.2.3 Demo meeting agenda - missing content - deadline 12:00

Thanks for the input provided.
However I miss some links yet:
1 - Link to the Demo on the Context Broker
2 - Link to Security presentation
3 - Link to I2ND presentation
4 - Thierry/Carlos, I miss both links to presentation and demo

Henar/Fermando, please, take into account the number of user your mikogo license allows. You may found not all people is allowed to connect.

Thanks for quick reaction!!
As you know with start at 10:30 with Cloud chapter.

Kind regards,

From: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] On Behalf Of MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
Sent: viernes, 10 de abril de 2015 14:53
To: fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fiware.org
Cc: fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fiware.org
Subject: Re: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Agile: Release 4.2 and Sprint 4.2.3 Demo meeting agenda - missing content - deadline 12:00

I'd appreciate seeing the data complete over the weekend.
I don't well understand the input is not ready yet.
Have a nice weekend!!

From: fiware-chapter-architects-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-chapter-architects-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-chapter-architects-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] On Behalf Of MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
Sent: viernes, 10 de abril de 2015 11:44
To: fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fiware.org>
Cc: fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: [Fiware-chapter-architects] Agile: Release 4.2 and Sprint 4.2.3 Demo meeting agenda - missing content - deadline 12:00

Dear Chapter leaders,

Let me remind you of the agenda status. There're input missing from some chapters.

I'd appreciate having it on due place before 12:00. Thanks for cooperation!!!

[cid:image001.png at 01D075CF.E5B9E630]

Kind Regards,

Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
FI-WARE Initiative
Telefónica Digital
Parque Tecnológico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72
Fax: +34.983.36.75.64


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